TAGS: #chinese

Due to fears about many Chinese women simply marrying for an improved economic status or because of the desire to leave their country, I decided to write this article. Not many people have the benefit and insight that comes from actually living in China and dating a very broad cross-section of women here. In fact, even many years before in my own country I had a strong connection with the Chinese community, and so as a result also dated many Chinese females; yet even with all my experience and understanding of Chinese culture, I still ‘couldn’t see the wood for the trees’.
Firstly let me say this, and this is important for you to know: Chinese women don’t express themselves in the same manner as western women would. Also, many cues and signs you may interpret as a sign that the womans feelings are true, are simply a cultural affectation based on behavioral patterns that are conditioned in them from a young age; basically put, they are taught to behave in a particular way in order to find a husband. By the time they are adults they don’t actually know they are doing this, much less in the case of mainland Chinese females, that there are actually females in the world that ‘don’t’ do this!
So how can we know if a Chinese woman really loves you; because I can assure you that love in Chinese culture is not a prerequisite in marriage. Yet this should be no bar to you as there are an incredible amount of Chinese women out there who are genuine, loving and needless to say, exceptionally attractive. Most Chinese consider love as an action, as in if they do some kinds of loving actions, then they can say with all honesty that they ‘love’ you (at least within Chinese culture they can, and few consider this to be a form of deceit). Lets take a look at some real signs that a Chinese woman really has depth of feeling for you.
One thing that can really stand out when in a relationship with a Chinese woman that can show you her feelings are deeper than normal is if she starts showing concern for your health. In Chinese culture a Chinese woman should show concern overtly for her husbands or boyfriends physical health, even going so far as to look after him when ill (and I don’t just mean buying him a box of Alka-Seltzer). If, even in the beginning courtship stages, she displays concern for your health verbally or otherwise then she may be trying to show you her feelings are deeper than usual. Take note of this.
One more big sign that your girlfriend or potential Chinese brides feelings are true, and that she is possibly deeply in love with you is jealousy. Western women for the most part maintain their cool when jealous, but the majority of Chinese females just simply can’t and see no point to either. Repressing the emotion of jealousy to any degree is by and large related to many native English-speaking countries, it’s however not part of the Chinese national character. Whenever you see flashes of jealousy in your partner, then you know she’s hooked!