TAGS: #deceit

One of the most common questions that cross on a woman's mind when she is committed to a long distance relationship is "Does he want to cheat on me?" Well, long distance relationships are probably one of the hardest relationships to handle since it will not only keep you from seeing each other, but it can also lead to several temptations, given that you are not around.
Well, before you become a fool in love, below are some things that you need to consider as to know if he is cheating in a long distance relationship.
Does he keep on lying?
Even if it just a tiny white lie, it is still a lie! Remember that lie can be a sign of deceit, which is not a healthy trait of a relationship. Lying can be as simple as not informing you that he went with a party with people on the opposite involved. Actually, going out with women is not bad, but breaking your trust is.
Does he have new friend on Facebook who keeps a constant communication with him?
In case your boyfriend suddenly has someone of the opposite sex on his friends' list, who keeps on appearing on his feeds, then you need to take caution; most especially if he has not discussed this woman with you.
Well, it is not really fair that you break up with him just because he has new friends of the opposite sex, but you need to be careful when one of these friends is showing some interest in him.
Is he the one who starts arguments?
Be wary if your boyfriend is the one who keeps on starting the argument since he may be trying to put the blame on you as to cover the guilt, and make you feel that everything is your fault. If this keeps on going, he may using this tactic to put an end to the relationship or simply wants to make this as a tool on not to speak with you so that he can have some time with his new special friend.
Is he becoming suspicious?
One of the greatest signs of cheating in a long distance relationship is that he keeps on questioning you about what you have been doing or who was with you. Yes, this can be a sign that he is deflecting his faults on you as to cover his activities.
Does he keep on avoiding or ignoring you?
If he keeps on ignoring your calls, it can either be because they are guilty with what they are doing or they are busy with his new special friend.
If the answer to all these questions is YES, then it is best that you have a serious talk with him and perhaps, end the relationship. Do not be a martyr – be fair. You deserve a relationship that can last for a lifetime with someone who deserves you.
By Yaro Babiy, inspired by Erica.
JustLoving.com (c) 2012
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