TAGS: #coffee bean
Making your own candles at home can be enjoyable an inexpensive.You can use the basic candle recipe and experiment with different options
Basic Candle Making Instructions
Heat your double boiler or wax carrier slowly to the proper temperature, place the paraffin wax into the carrier.
Heating the wax to a temperature of 140-degrees is generally sufficient.
Stir your melting wax gently with a wooden spoon.
As the wax is melting, spray the inside of your molds with cooking spray and set-aside.
Once the wax is melted, you can add your scents and coloring. Stir gently so that the scent
and color can be blended in.
Pour in the wax into your molds, leaving at least once inch at the top.
Get your wicks ready by tying one end to the middle of a pencil. Drop the free end of the wick into the wax and rest the pencil on top of the mold.
Allow your wax to harden, then tip your mold upside down so that your candle can slide
out freely. Cut the wick to the desired length.
Coffee Bean Candle
While the wax is melting, cut a juice box to the desired length, brush inside with liquid
paraffin. Throw coffee beans in the box so that it attaches to the bottom and sides.
Using a hot pad, lift your wax carrier out of the water and pour slowly into your juice box to 3/4 full. Sprinkle coffee beans on top and fill box up with liquid candle, leaving at least a one-inch margin on the top of the box
Get your wicks, tying one end to the middle of a pencil. Slowly drop the free end of the wick into the wax, and rest the pencil on top of the mold. This will prevent your wick from falling into the wax as it's hardening.
Allow your wax to harden overnight before attempting to remove your candles from their molds, but this may not always be necessary, depending on the size of your candle. Once the wax has hardened, you should be able to tip your mold upside down, allowing your new candle to slide out freely.
Seashell Candle
Using the same method, substitute small seashells for the coffee beans.
Bird Seed Candle
For this candle use a round mold. After candle has hardened, pour some liquid candle in tray covered with foil, Throw some bird seed in tray. Roll large candle in tray, then sprinkle more seed on candle and allow to dry.