TAGS: #trouble

Every company at one time or another will have telecom user issues and problems that someone – either inside or outside the firm – will need to address and solve. Adding and removing lines, adding new phone features, internet troubles, phone system and voice mail issues, etc. are all problems that, more often than not, need immediate attention. The following information will show you how to manage and solve telecom trouble tickets easier and more efficiently than ever before.
What is a Telecom Trouble Ticket?
Trouble tickets are formal records that identify a problem, then assign responsibility for diagnosis and resolution of that problem. A ticket could be as simple as a pad of paper with notes about the description of the issue, its status, the date(s) of carrier contact, name of carrier representative, resolution date, etc. If your company is small, the chances of having chronic telecom issues is remote. As the number of employees and field locations increase, it becomes imperative that a system for handling telecom trouble tickets is established.
The following checklist will help you to begin creating a system for dealing with telecom trouble tickets as they arise.
1) Identify Key Personnel
Regardless of the size of the company, it is always best to assign one or more persons to field all telecom trouble shooting requests. For larger companies, there may be a telecom manager or telecom department that already handles them. For smaller and medium-size companies, assign authority to one individual (or individuals) for fielding all telecom requests and issues. These staff member(s) would have the authority to contact vendors and carriers directly to make changes or deal with troubleshooting issues on others’ behalf.
Centralized control is the key. A big mistake that many companies make is to allow ANY staff member to handle telecom issues on their own. The age old phrase “too many cooks spoil the broth” certainly applies here. Imagine having 300 employees with free reign to act as “telecom manager” at any time. Unexperienced individuals making integral and company-wide telecom decisions will result in not only what we like to call “telecom chaos,” but it will also result in higher telecom expenses over time.
2) Create a Method of Contact
Once you have assigned key personnel to handle all telecom issues, the next step is to determine the best method of contacting them when problems arise. A simple solution may be to have a separate extension, voice mail box, or toll-free number to be used only for telecom tickets. Another method is to create a dedicated email address that is coupled with an autoresponder.
For larger companies, an online trouble ticket application may be best. For this method of contact, all ticket correspondence is contained online in a password protected area. When a ticket is updated or changed, email alerts inform the person(s) involved with the ticket. Establishing one method of contact helps the efficiency and focus of handling and solving tickets. In addition, it helps teach employees that there is system in place, and only by using that system can the problems be solved quickly, with minimal errors.
3) Create a Response Mechanism
Once an employee has submitted a trouble ticket through the established procedure, a response mechanism must be in place to acknowledge the request and to keep all parties updated on the progress of the ticket. In the case of an online ticket solution, emails can be sent out automatically when updates and changes are made. For other methods of contact, decide on the manner that allows all parties involved with the ticket to receive updates on open tickets. In the case of sending requests to a dedicated email address, an autoresponder will automatically inform the submitter that a ticket addressing the problem has been opened. When other methods are used, sending email manually is probably the quickest method of response, although voicemail messages and live contact will work as well.
4) Train Employees on Basic Trouble Ticket Items
Prelimary training on basic telecom issues goes a long way in helping to eliminate potential trouble tickets. For example, an employee may simply have to change the greeting on their personal outgoing voicemail message, but does not know the process. Submitting a trouble ticket for this type of issue is a waste of time. Instead, compile basic instructions for voicemail (or other non-carrier related issues) into a small booklet for each employee.
Teach employees the types of telecom issues that they are allowed to address on their own, then give them written instructions for doing so. A good rule of thumb is: if there is no need to speak with a vendor, a carrier, or tech support personnel, chances are good that an employee can handle the issue without submitting a ticket.
5) Dealing with Vendors and Carriers
The telecom trouble shooting staff will spend much of their time contacting vendor and carrier representatives to get problems solved. Keep in mind that the ratio of customer service reps to customers is often 2000:1 or more. Unfortunately, unless you have a significant volume of trouble tickets and have personal contacts at each major carrier, expect to get a different person each time you call.
For companies with large volumes of usage, a dedicated account representative is often assigned to handle telecom issues. A personal relationship with one or more carrier representatives is definitely helpful. Since numerous carrier representatives are often involved in one ticket, keeping careful records is crucial. Carriers don’t always put accurate notes in their system, so having the trouble shooting staff keep notes on each carrier contact makes the process moving and ensures that the problem is addressed as needed.
6) Establish Followup Procedures Before Closing Tickets
In a perfect world, vendors would learn of a telecom problem, solve it, and then make sure the solution is implemented to the customer’s satisfaction. Case closed. In reality, the trouble shooting staff needs a consistent method of follow up with end users to insure that each issue is properly corrected. Before closing a ticket, the person who submitted it should be contacted and asked if the issue has been solved to their satisfaction. if it has been, then inform them that the ticket will be officially closed. For changes to telecom services and features, analyze the following month’s bill to be certain that the carrier has implemented the order and that the correct charges are reflected on the bill.
An efficient system for handling trouble tickets is extremely important in keeping telecom costs under control. Allowing dozens, or even hundreds, of employees to act as the company’s telecom manager will make your telecom department chaotic and disorganized. The strategies listed above are proven to work, so begin today to establish a fluid and efficient system for handling your company’s telecom issues.