TAGS: #coffee shop

If you want to drink coffee then the numbers of choices you have are rather limitless. The only limit that your are subject to is what you prefer and what you don’t. Different types of coffee shops have their own different types and blends of coffee available. These coffee shops also have a number of available specialty coffee drinks.
To make an order the first thing that you would need to do is select a drink size of coffee. The person who serves you coffee will usually take the time out to ask if you’d rather have a short, tall, grand or venti. These sizes are usually 8oz, 12 oz, 16oz and 20 oz respectively.
People who are ordering drip coffee can take milk and sugar along with their order. The choices of milk available are another thing entirely. You can opt for different types of milk such as frothed milk which is rather thick, steamed milk, breve, wet or panna which is whipped cream.
After your choice of milk, the next thing you need to decide is whether you want a latte, mocha or if you prefer a cappuccino. A latte is actually an espresso with steamed milk added. A cappuccino is actually a mixture of three things in equal parts : steamed milk, an espresso and frothed milk. A mocha on the other hand is a latte or cappuccino that has chocolate syrup added to it.
These are some of the specialty coffee drinks that you can by from a coffee shop. Some of the different names listed here may differ in the particular coffee shops that you visit for a whole lot of reasons
- Espresso Con Panna – This is an espresso shot that is mixed with whipped cream
- Double Dry Short – This is a double shot of espresso which is in short cup and which has no foam
- Solo – This is a single shot of espresso coffee drink
- Doppio – This is a double shot of espresso coffee drink
- Caffe Cubano – This is shot of espresso that is heavily sweetened
- Quad – This is an Espresso drink that is made with four shots of coffee
- Split shot – This is an Espresso shot with half the caffeine
- Caffe Americano – This is a single shot of espresso that has 6 to 8 ounces of hot water added to it.
- Ristretto – This is a restricted shot of espresso which is also called a short pull. While brewing this sort of coffee a whole lot less water is allowed to pass through the coffee grounds. The makes a flavor of coffee that is rather intense.
- Lungo – This is an extra long pull. During the brewing process of making a Lunho, twice as much water is allowed to pass through the coffee grounds.
- Dry – This is an Espresso that is made with small amount of foam and no steamed milk added
- Chairo – This is an Espresso drink that is made “clear” by the addition of more milk
- Caffe Medici – This is Doppio that is poured over chocolate syrup and orange peel, and finally topped off with whipped cream
- Frappe – This is a coffee drink that is created along with ice cream and milk
- Shot in the Dark (aka Redeye) – This is an espresso shot that is made in a coffee cup and then rest of cup filled up with drip coffee
- Café Breva – This is Cappuccino coffee made with Half & Half rather than whole milk
- Café Mocha – This is Cappuccino coffee that has chocolate syrup added to it
- Caffe Mochaccino – This is Cappuccino coffee that has chocolate syrup added to it.
All these different types of coffee make it hard to select one type of coffee over the other. When you find it hard to decide you can always try a demitasse instead. This word is simply the French word for “half glass”. In coffee terms this usually entails a very small cup of coffee. You can continue trying until you find your pick.