“How do I advertise on Facebook?”

“How much do Facebook ads cost?”

These are the questions that come out of most people’s mouths before they run a Facebook advert – more than likely they won’t convert if they aren’t doing their research.

Many marketers promote their business to everyone in the world, without targeting the right people.

Or they won’t put a daily spend limit on their business to know when to stop advertising (so they bled themselves dry)

Even worse, if you have no guidance on how to promote your business on Facebook, then you don’t know how much money you can spend per lead they get in order to turn a profit!

The truth is, running Facebook adverts can very quickly deplete your bank balance if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Same applies if you go to Vegas though! The bottom line is, you can’t just throw money at advertising and hope to get traffic/leads. You need a clearly defined goal as well as knowing who you want to see your advert (and who you don’t want to target).

It’s bang or bust in this industry, as you’ve probably gathered. If you’ve lost money in ads though, then don’t despair as all is not lost… here’s more.

So what really matters when considering how to promote your business on Facebook?

You have to get the right message to the right people, at the right time. Most marketers are very good at selling a world class steak to vegetarians.

A great exercise you can do is sit down and map out exactly who your ideal buyer is. Ask yourself questions like the following:

What hobbies are they interested in?

How old are they?

Where do they live?

What is their income or budget?

How long have they been looking for a solution to their problem?

Not all of these questions will be relevant to your market, so it just depends on who you’re marketing to. Obviously if you’re offering things like insurance then age, location and budget will be relevant.

By really thinking about who you’re targeting in depth, you’ll be able to target the people most likely to buy your offer. If you already have customers, see if this data is relevant to who’s already bought what you’re selling.

There’s no denying that without a fresh flood of interested prospects every single day, you are out of business and aren’t able to scale anything.

Advertising correctly will forever solve this problem and fill your pipeline with hungry buyers who already want what you have to offer.

The only way you can master advertising is by running, tracking and testing lots of different adverts. A good amount to start with is $500 (or £300 if in the UK) per month should you wish to test a lot more adverts with momentum.

Platforms like Facebook have a great way you can track your results, but the only way you’ll be able to improve is by testing new offers to see what ‘sticks’ in the marketplace. Hopefully these tips will help you when looking at how to promote your business on Facebook.