Roses undoubtedly are the Queen of flowers, be it today or centuries ago. However, beautiful as they are, roses are one of the most delicious flowers such that tending to them takes a reasonable amount of time and effort. With sudden gush of the wind, shrubs may topple and along with the wind, diseases may strike and catch gardeners unaware. For such reasons, roses are significantly more expensive than other flowers available in the market.

Because of science and technology, roses that used to be bound to our gardens, decorate our homes, adorn party veins, roses now invade some of the restaurants' kitchens as delectable recipes for diners. Salon and spa owners on the other hand, consider rose extracts as one of the essential elements in their aroma therapy.

The rose industry is such a lucrative business than anyone can imagine. A rose farm in Ethiopia was started from scratches but now brings multi-million dollars to the owners and provides thousands of jobs to the Ethiopian community. Growing roses though is not an easy task just like any other business endeavor as there are considerations such as flexibility studies in order to weigh the possibilities whether or not a business will boom.

With regards to gardens, one has to choose a location that has an excellent climate as roses grow well in tropical and subtropical countries where the weather is just balanced, being not too cold and not too warm. The temperate climate is conducive for roses to bloom with the most beautiful colored flowers. The presence of moisture also keeps the soil moist and the all-year round light rain, with occasional heavy rains during rainy season keep rose farmers from regularly watering the plants. As roses are sun lovers, exposing them to the sunlight for at least six hours a day definitely will do magic to them.

The presence of a sufficient water source should also be taken into account. Roses that are well-watered grow healthily and produce large and long-stemmed flowers and leaves. Choosing a site where a large body of water nearby or a water irrigation or pump will ensure a sufficient and continuous supply of water will do. In its absence, a water tank that will be a source of water is an excellent substitute.

Good quality of roses starts with a good quality of soil. Roses grow in whatever type of soil, however there are certain types of soil where roses grow excellently. They grow best in soil with pH from 5.5 to 7. A humus-rich, almost clay-like in consistency type of soil is favorable to the plants and just right enough – not sandy and not gravel-like. Adding organic matter such as animal manure and organic compositions enriches the soil but should not serve as soil replacement. Placing mulch and peat moss on the base of the plants helps to retain moisture, thus supplying it with ample and continuous water source 24/7. Overtime, the mulch decomposes all the more enriching the soil.

Growing roses is not only a lucrative business but also therapeutical. Who does not succumb to the bountiful and enchanting beauty of a rose farm where the flowers are in full bloom? It is the same characteristics why the rose industry is booming.