In another article we learned the basic structure and code to create a simple web page. Several tags were introduced without much detail. Here for a quick review is a basic web page with each of the following words (tags) contained by brackets. is an opening tag and is a closing tag.

When you’re making web pages, sooner or later you’ll want to send your viewer to another page (or another part of the same page). Your tool to accomplish this is the tag. The basic tag includes:

1. the destination page

2. letters (or an image) for the user to click

3. an end tag.

This is what it looks like click here . All that is visible on the page is “click here”. When your visitor clicks on those words they will be sent to ‘pagetwo.html’.

You may need to study that a little because I know it can be confusing at first.

– the opening tag–

– the letters (or image) the user will click- ‘click here’

– the closing tag–

If you have a basic web page created, make a duplicate in the same folder (save it as two.html and put some other text between the body tags). Then create an a tag for it. If you don’t already have a basic page, copy the code (at the top) to notepad (or any simple word processor) and save it as one.html

OK, Here we go. Open one.html (not in the browser) in notepad (or any basic word processor).

Between the body tags (all on one line) put the following–

go to two

Then save this. Now when you open one.html (in the web browser), you will see the words “go to two”. When you click on those words, your new page (two.html) will open in the browser (if you didn’t put anything between the body tags it will be blank). Then if you click the browser ‘back’ button you’ll go back to page one.

Congratulations. Cool, huh. If it doesn’t work the first time, go back and study the code a little more. Every letter, quote and bracket must be included and in the right place.