TAGS: #indonesia

Indonesia is a country that has captivated my heart and stirred me to new depths of inspiration.
Every trip I’ve taken through Indonesia, there has been something miraculous and supernatural that has occurred. Though such is typical for my life everywhere I go, Indonesia had something additional and extra special. Indonesia has an intangible quality that intoxicates your heart, propels your passion, and empowers you to move in the miraculous.
My ministry has taken me from the islands of Sumatra all the way to Irian Jaya, bordering Papau New Guinea. I can honestly say the islands and islanders are fantastic. The few isolated incidents of terrorism do happen, but I can live with it for the rewards. Not only do people honor me and treat me like a movie star, but most importantly the supernatural power of God to touch and transform lives is flows incredibly.
I’ve seen healings and deliverances from demons. Others broken hearted have been comforted and healed of emotional wounds. Families have been restored and people reconciled. I guess I’ve discovered my country and calling.
Though I’ve been to over 50 countries worldwide, whenever I am asked “What’s your favorite country and place to travel?” I always reply “Indonesia.” Just the mention of the name of the country brings tears to my eyes.
The depth of my spiritual experiences in Indonesia, the sincerity of the people, the thrill of the surf, and the warm sunshine all swallow me up stealing my heart.
I now must figure out a way how to translate and publish all of my books into Bahasa, after which I want to embark on a motivational speaking and life purpose coaching practice there. I’ve got to find some way to survive there financially. Thankfully the people are generous and do pay for services rendered. Every church I’ve ever ministered in insisted on giving me a love offering.
I guess if I follow my heart and vision, the provision will supernaturally show up somehow. This has been my life story thus far. The only time the money is not there is when I shrink back in fear and don’t go ahead full force.
Yeah! Indonesia is the place for me! I would love to become a citizen and buy a house there near the beach.