TAGS: #trouble

Iexpore.exe is an executable application for the Microsoft Internet Explorer file. The Internet Explorer or IE is still the browser used by the majority despite the existence of alternative browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome. Hence, the large number of users who experience the iexpore error.
It is definitely the iexpore error when this message appears:
“Iexplore.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”
This is actually a very common problem for computers and internet users. Not to worry though because this can be fixed by understanding its symptoms, causes and the corresponding solutions. It can only be dangerous if it becomes continuous and one is not able to fix it because hackers will be able to enter your computer.
In order to fix this problem, you must first know its cause. Usually, this mistake occurs when logging on using a limited user account. Browser help objects (BHOs) then try to gain access to the Windows registry entries and system files in order to modify them. But since you are using a limited account, you have limited rights so the BHOs are unable to implement the changes. Your internet explorer then crashes and generates the error message written above.
So how do you troubleshoot this troublesome problem immediately? Since this problem is caused by a BHO, then it is best to eliminate it. If one is not sure which BHO caused the error, do the elimination one-by-one. When you have found out which BHO is causing the problem, eliminate it and then install the other BHOs if they needed.
Another way to fix this error is by fixing your Internet Explorer’s registry. The registry is the storage area for all the important data. To fix your internet explorer’s registry, start your computer in safe mode. Then on the Start menu, click Run. Type this – regsvr32 actxprxy.dll – then enter regsvr32 shdocvw.dll. Afterwards, you will see a guide. Just follow it and the error will be fixed in no time. However, if you do not know how to do this on your own, it would be better to hire a technician than cause further damage.
If this becomes a frequent problem, set your security programmes. You have to scan all your files and remove the corrupted ones. Afterwards, reboot your computer.
A low system memory can also be the cause of this error. To fix this, just do a complete scan of the system.
Finally, viruses can also be a potential cause of this error. So always run the computer after installing new anti-virus software. Keep the firewall turned on at all times and do not download or open emails from sites and people you do not trust.