TAGS: #tea

Every medical practitioner, nutritionist, or weight loss coach will recommend that you drink water regularly due to the fact that it is essential for the functionality of the body as well as have a hand in weight loss. As much as water is very essential for the body, drinking tea replaces fluids but it as well contains antioxidants so it’s got two things going for it. What makes green tea healthier than drinking water; it’s because of the fact that tea is not just a comforting and pleasant beverage, but it also contains remarkable healing properties and often tea has been referred to as ‘wonder drink’.
Drinking three or more cups of tea each day is as good as taking plenty of water but tea has many benefits unlike taking water. According to UK nutritionists, they found out that tea does not only rehydrate like water but it also protects against heart diseases and other cancers.
One doctor, Dr Ruxton said, “Drinking tea is actually better for you than drinking water.” Taking four cups of healthy tea can cut drastically the chances of having a heart attack. Other benefits that can be derived from consumption of green tea is protection against tooth decay and tooth plaque and it also helps in bone strengthening this is through its content, fluoride.
According to experts, tea contains flavonoids which are the key ingredients of tea that promote health. In addition to the presence of flavonoids, green tea also contains guarana which was used by Indians during great famines in order to reduce the hunger sensation and also restore energy and vitality needed in such times.
Guarana found in green tea also helps greatly in sharpening memory through its antioxidants. It improves intellectual performance. It increases concentration thus making it a perfect beverage of students, sportsmen and any other person who has a need to remain alert and energized. Guarana also reduces the effect on stress. In increasing the blood circulation, guarana is effective in both preventing and slowing down the progression of different diseases.
Since tea contains caffeine, it has over the years been perceived that it is dehydrating but according to nutritionist Claire Williamson, this is just a myth. If you had a really strong cup of green tea, you would still have a net gain of fluid.
Basically, taking a cup of green tea helps the body in a great way unlike just taking water. Having covered the above ways in which tea is healthier than taking plain water, I would encourage you to sample our green tea. It’s so much affordable yet with priceless benefits