TAGS: #health

ALthough, the cost of, and monies spent on health care (which includes, medical care, hospitalization, and prescription drugs, etc), in the United States, are among, the most expensive in the world, statistics show, our mortality / morbidity rates, life expectancy, and overall health, are not, close to the best! In many nations, the system is considered, a somewhat, socialized one, where government – controlled, insurance, controls and dominates the system. These citizens of these nations, generally, pay higher income taxes, but little, to nothing, on specific, medical / health insurance. While health insurance, and medical care / delivery, has been debated, by our politicians, for decades, there still is little real improvement. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, whether Americans consider health care, to be, a right, or a privilege / luxury, as well as the alternatives, choices, options, and possibilities, including the positives, and negatives, for each possibility.
1. Prior to the ACA: There are those, who, appear to be yearning for, the so-called, good – old – days! Everything looks worse in black and white , may be a great song lyric, but, when our health care delivery system, did not provide coverage for those with pre-existing conditions, or an ability to afford it, by many Americans, it was clear , quality medical care, was treated, as a privilege, rather than a right. However, because hospitals must provide emergency treatment, regardless of ability to pay, these costs were passed on, to others, and many suffered, financially, and in other ways. In the United States, millions go bankrupt, because they can not afford, to take care of themselves!
2. The Affordable Care Act: The Affordable Care Act, or ACA, or Obamacare, was a well-intentioned, attempted to address, the fairness component, of house our health care, is delivered! However, because of many factors, including political considerations, etc, it was also a somewhat, flawed concept. It focused on reducing the number of uninsured, and under – insured, providing coverage since pre – existing conditions, mandatory coverage, federal subsidies, when needed, etc. However, it did not fix the cost of prescription drugs, and these escalated. Why do we pay, so much more, than the rest of the world, for the same medicines?
3. The Trump / GOP Alternative: When Donald Trump ran for office, he claimed he would immediately fix, Obamacare , and replace it, with really good, less costly insurance and coverage. However, when he stated, after he was elected, this concept was more difficult than he expected, he turned his attention to, an attempt to cancel the system, and supposedly, replace it, with something better. Unfortunately, while Republicans spoke out, against the ACA, they did not offer any viable alternatives!
What good is, almost anything else, if we do not prioritize our health, and well – being? Should it be, a right, or a privilege?