TAGS: #satan

Is the enemy of the Universe and particularly our souls running interference in your life? Is he bringing thoughts and distractions against you to keep you from achieving your goals?
If he's not, I would start wondering what in the world was the matter. When you are going after your dreams and goals the dream stealer can't help but try to come and steal, kill and destroy not only your dreams and goals but your very life.
I am always reading books about success and listening to podcasts. Learning everything, I can about being successful and obtaining my dreams and goals. Following is a list of a few things the enemy will use to try to distract you from your dreams and goals:
• Time – the enemy will use time against you. He will get you to start thinking too much time has passed. To many years have gone by and surely I made a mistake thinking that I could accomplish this dream and goal. I heard the story about a guy named James Dyson. James Dyson built 5,126 prototypes and failed at every one. He used 15 years of his life and his life savings. However, he didn't let time distract him or stop him. Prototype 5,127 was a hit and now the Dyson vacuum is one of the # 1 bestselling vacuums in the country.
• Age – this is a big one. Satan will make you feel like your best years are behind you. He'll say you haven't made it yet, and you're 39, so what makes you think you're going to make it now. He'll bombard you with thoughts and say it's too late, it's never going to happen just quit. Here is a small list of what some "older" people accomplished: At 44 Sam Walton opened Walmart, at 53 Walt Disney opened Disneyland, at 69 and after 22 years of his life Noel Webster wrote the dictionary. It's never too late to be a success. Stop looking at the years that have gone by but look at the years you still have left. Age is just a number.
• Words – what have people been saying about you or to you. Did your parents tell you that you're a failure, you're never going to be good enough? Here's one I recently heard in my head, "you're so short, you're so little, who do you think you are trying to get this dream?" Now I am short, I am a bit small but I'm not too small or short to obtain my dreams and goals. A guy from Memphis sang at the Grand Ole Opry. The Opry manager said, "you're never going to sing here again, you're better off going back and driving a truck in Memphis." That man was Elvis Presley.
All of these things are sent out from the enemy, satan, to interfere with life. Have you ever watched a football game and you see one of the team members running interference? Their goal is to keep the guy that's running for the touchdown from obtaining that goal. That's how satan works. He's running interference in your life trying to keep you from your goals and dreams.
One day when I was having a bit of a pity party and thought to myself, "I don't know if I can do this or if I even want to." I hear just as plain as day in my Spirit and in my heart – "millions of people are waiting on your obedience." What if you give up RIGHT before you start seeing some success? What if the ball player said "I'm spent, at the 1-yard line?" The touchdown wouldn't be achieved and the team would not get the points. Can you imagine how that person would feel if he quit on the 1-yard line because they said I don't have anything left in me I'm spent.
You need to dig down into your intestinal fortitude and learn to fight. You can overcome the distractions of the enemy. You can become successful. The only way you will fail is if you quit.