Whether one supports, or opposes, the rhetoric, leadership, ideas, and actions, of the current United States administration, there should be, nearly unanimous agreement, This Isn’t Normal! After his surprising victory, in 2016, President Donald Trump, seems, to feel entitled, and enabled, and has consistently, articulated a message, which many feel, has pitted one segment of our society, against another! His presidency has been unusual, in many ways, including: the positions/ qualifications of his Cabinet members; his oppositional behavior; the constant, investigations into his possible involvement, in a number of potential scandals; the degree of usage of Social Media (especially, Twitter); disagreeing, with, his own Justice Department, FBI Director, and intelligence community; and, of course, the fight for his Wall, among so many other things! Along the way, it appears, there may have been, either some short – cuts, and/ or, indiscretions, or lack of oversight, and adherence to Constitutional principles. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 actions taken (or appear to be), which might be a threat, to the Constitution.

1. Balance of Power: One of the main principles, including by our Founding Fathers, is, the need for, a Balance of Power, with co – equal power, between the three parts of government. It appears to many, that President Trump, may believe, the power of our Presidency, is absolute! Of course, his recent attempt to deny Congress, with, what is believed, by many, to be Congress’ right, to oversee, and budget, in several ways, including: refusing permission for any of his government’s individuals, to appear; denying access to financial records, which the law provides them, with; his constant, adversarial relationship, with the press/ media; and so many instances, which appear, outside the norm, etc., have threatened this balance! If allowed, what does this do, to the precedent set, for future Presidents?

2. Separation of Church and State: This nation was founded, with the underlying premise, of, there, being a separation, between religion and government, or Church and State! Recent appeals by so – called, evangelists, and evangelicals, to merge their religious beliefs, with government policy, are absolute threats, to these principles, etc!

3. Limits to Presidential Power: Since Donald Trump proclaimed, he could walk on Fifth Avenue, shoot someone, and no one could touch him, while he was campaigning, he has proceeded, apparently, believing the power of the Presidency, is absolute! This isn’t normal!

4. Enforcement of rules: Quality democracy must be based on the rule of law, and enforcement of those rules, equally, and without prejudice/ advantage! President Trump, often, appears, to disagree, with that concept!

5. Fiscal sanity/ responsibility: What happened to those former conservatives, who, when a Democrat, was President, emphasized, the need, to pay keen attention, to conservative approaches to handling the budget, and a strict adherence to fiscal sanity, and responsible behavior? Was that, merely, empty rhetoric, and politics? Although, the 2017 tax reform legislation, was packaged to the public, as serving the needs of the middle class, we have noticed, the major beneficiaries have been major corporations, and the wealthiest Americans. We have already witnessed, the fiscal impact, is, two, back – to – back, trillion dollar deficits! Who do you think will actually pay for this?

Wake up, America, we are under siege, and, if, we don’t act soon, the rights, freedoms, liberties, and justice, our nation has always represented, will be lost, forever! Without the Constitutional protections, we have always taken for granted, we will lose, the nation, we have considered, the best, in the world!