Is it worth winning a girl back or should you just let her go? This is a conflict that some men go through during a breakup. They’re torn between wanting to get the girl back but or forgetting about her and moving on.

If you need more help in this dilemma, here are a few tips that will tell you why winning a girl back is sometimes not worth the trouble.

She’s always jealous

You knew she was the jealous kind when you were together but even now that you’re on a break, she still goes on a jealous rage. If she sees you on a date or just hanging out with your female friends, she acts like the jealous ex. If that’s the case then maybe you should forget about getting back together. It shows that she hasn’t accepted the fact that you broke up and is still showing signs of possessiveness. This could later on pose problems for the both of you.

She keeps contacting you

She keeps calling or finding ways to talk to you even though the breakup is fairly recent. She keeps telling you that she changed or what she thought about the breakup. She apologizes and tries to convince you to come back even if you told her that you’re ready yet and you need to some time alone. She doesn’t respect your space and seems uninterested to your needs and wishes.

She can’t admit to her mistakes

Yes, you made mistakes in the relationship and you’ve hurt her. But it takes two to tango and she has her share of faults as well. If she can’t admit to her mistakes and kept on blaming you for what happened, then winning her back may not be such a good idea. If she is mature enough and values you then she would make an effort to own up to the things she did wrong.

She talks about you – and not in a good way

Women do like to talk and right now, you’re the subject of interest between her and her friends. You just found out that she talks about you and the things she says are not exactly pleasant. If she can do this then it means she doesn’t really respect you. What happened between the two of you should be private. Sure, she can talk about her feelings but bad-mouthing is not the way to go.

You’re not sure if you still love her

You’re confused about how you really feel about her. You could want her back because you still love her. Or maybe you just got comfortable having her around. Or maybe you feel sorry for her or you’re feeling lonely.

If winning a girl back is your goal then you need to be honest with yourself. If your reason for trying to win her back is not about love, then it’s best to just let her go. You can’t have a relationship with someone just because you’re lonely or you feel sorry for her. You have to be fair to her and yourself.