TAGS: #trouble

So, is your marriage in trouble? Perhaps you have some lingering doubts underneath the surface when you consider how your marriage is doing.
Exactly why this is important is if you do not get this straightened out, you will become more and more concerned.
I know how you are feeling Sometimes I wonder about things that are groundless; however, I have suspected other problems, and what I thought turned out to be true.
So, can you find out if your fears are groundless?
Those who are successful at being confident that their marriages are O.K. have found a secret.
What exactly is that secret?
Here it is: You can look at some simple characteristics of marriage and get a clue as to what is really going on. Let’s take a look at four ways to begin to tell if your marriage is really something to be concerned about.
1. Sign of a Troubled Marriage Number One–Apathy
First of all, you are able to tell that your marriage is in trouble when one or both of you stop caring about things. One of the good points of this is that you may have stopped arguing. Generally that would be good, but if the reason you have stopped is because one or both of you really don’t care, that is bad. Some have said that the opposite of love is hate. That is probably true, but apathy would be very close to the opposite of love too.
2. Sign of a Troubled Marriage Number Two–Not Spending as Much Time Together Not only can you see that apathy is a problem additionally you can observe a second problem, that of not spending as much time together.
Sometimes couples do this to avoid getting on each other’s nerves. Giving each other freedom and enjoying some time apart is O.K. Just make sure that this condition doesn’t get out of hand.
3. Sign of a Troubled Marriage Number Three–Decreased Interest in Physical Intimacy
Besides sign of a troubled marriage number one–apathy and sign of a troubled marriage number two–not spending as much time together in addition, you can detect sign of a troubled marriage number three when you observe a decreased interest in physical intimacy.
Actually, there can be many reasons when you observe a decrease of interest in physical intimacy. That may not be a sign of a troubled marriage. There can be medical reason, or stress can contribute to this. Check those things out first, but this also could be sign of troubled marriage.
4. Sign of a Troubled Marriage Number Four–Less of an Ability to Communicate
We now have seen that apathy, not spending as much time together, and decreased interest in physical intimacy will help you to recognize that your marriage may be in trouble, but there is a fourth sign, and that is when you see that you have less of an ability to communicate.
In reality, this can be one of the earlier signs. You may not recognize this as a serious problem because you are not communicating. However, to maintain your marriage and improve it, you really need to be able to talk to each other.
So, is your marriage in trouble? If you observe several of these signs, you need to take a deeper look.
Warning: Just Reading about recognizing these signs is not enough. You will have to take action.
Get all the details you can about how to help and enrich your marriage.