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Dog breeding in Japan has ancient roots, and in fact has been practiced for thousands of years. In that time, six distinct breeds of Japanese dogs have been carefully bred and refined for purity, beauty, and other desirable traits. These six original Japanese dog breeds include the Japanese Akita, Shiba, Shikoku, Kai Ken, Kishu, and Hokkaido. The Tosa is another well-known Japanese dog breed, although it is not considered to be one of the original six.
Of all the breeds, it is the Akita Japanese dog breeders are known for most of all. Technically, it is called the Akita Inu, and is sometimes considered to be separate from the American Akita. The Akita is a large dog with very thick fur and a variety of colors. It is known for being exceptionally loyal, kind, and playful. Akitas make good family pets and do well with children, although they do need plenty of time outside.
Where the Japanese Akita is the largest of all Japanese dogs, the Shiba (or Shiba Inu) is the smallest). Both its fur and its body share the same traits: short and thick. Bred for hunting, Shibas must be kept on leashes or they may try and chase something and run away. Their temperaments are confident, intelligent, and a bit independent. They should be socialized young so they don’t become too disobedient. They are also very loyal to their owners.
The Shikoku is, size-wise, halfway between the Japanese Akita and Shiba (the largest and smallest Japanese dog breeds, respectively). Its fur is also of medium length. Quite active, agile, tough, and energetic, Shikokus are known as good dogs for outdoor enthusiasts and the adventurous. They are more obedient than some of the other breeds and have a reputation for learning things quickly.
Kai Ken
The Kai Ken (sometimes just called the Kai) is a very rare breed, even in Japan, and is thought by some to be the purest and oldest of all the oldest Japanese dog breeds. In fact, the breed is considered to be a national monument for Japan. It is a medium-sized dog with rough, medium length fur and a dark colored black or deep reddish coat. The Kai Ken is known for being friendly, brave, intelligent, and alert. They are very loyal to their owners, and also have a history of hunting, which makes them good guard dogs.
Similar to, but older than, both the Shibu and the Akita, the Kishu is one of the most beautiful and intelligent breeds of traditional Japanese dogs. Kishus have thick, short, white fur and are medium in build and muscular in stature. Brave, strong, and agile, the Kishu is known as a good hunting dog. They are very loyal to families and are instinctually drawn to one person or one family once they learn who their owners are.
With its two coats (one short, one long) of thick fur, the Hokkaido is a unique and cherished breed among Japanese dogs. The double-coat also makes it very compatible with cold climates. A natural hunter, the Hokkaido has the ability to fight off bears and will be very protective of its owners. It does well with children as long as it is exposed to them while it is a puppy.