TAGS: #morning

Many guys who try the jelqing exercising technique for increasing penis size, usually end up wondering how their jelqing results can be maximized. That is, how can they get the most out of this effective exercise technique for enlarging the penis.
Eventually the issue of timing comes up. And a frequently asked question is in regards to when the ideal time should be to perform the exercises. Often this issue involves a decision between jelqs in the morning or jelqs at night. Which is best for superior jelqing results?
Does jelqing work better in the morning or in the evening?
Let’s first examine a morning jelqing routine.
Many guys will be very tired upon waking and this is usually not the best time to engage in exercise activity. You generally want to be alert and focused mentally, and physically you want your body to be activated and woken up.
So on the surface, it may seem as if jelqing in the morning is not the best time for experiencing optimal jelqing results. While this very well may be the case for many guys, there is definitely another side to the coin.
Why morning can be the PERFECT time to jelq:
Morning can actually be a great time to do the jelq exercise. Think about what “state” the penis is in for many men upon waking. Many times it is a fully erectile state. This is often referred to as “morning wood”. This is the reason many men enjoy having sex first thing in the morning, upon waking. Since they are already fully erect they are ready to go.
Now this “ready to go” state can also be applied to jelqing. Since you are already erect, all you need to do is wake up a bit and simmer your erection down a bit. You could relax for a few minutes, or even fix a cup of coffee and by then your penis should be settled down into a semi-erect state which is the exact state which the jelqing technique should be performed in.
Another excellent option for morning time jelqs, is the shower. Since most men shower in the morning, and some men prefer jelqing in the shower, then it can make sense to have this time be your jelqing time. Of course you will need to set aside a few extra minutes for your extended showering.
Does jelqing work better at night?
For many men jelqing will work better at night. More time will be available, they will be more relaxed and not as rushed as in the morning. Unfortunately this relaxed state can easily lead to a lack of discipline and jelqing can be neglected as a result. This is why many people exercise or go to the gym in the early morning. They make it a ritual and know that they only have a certain window available to get their workout done. At night time that window is greater and hence one can get lazier.
Nevertheless, jelqing at night is usually ideal for many men, especially those who are not “morning people” and find it difficult to accomplish much else than waking up, getting dressed, and heading out the door.
Since the actual effectiveness of morning VS. night has not been actually studied to my knowledge (and such a study would have a wide variety of variables based on the individual, making it difficult to come to a solid conclusion) the bottom line in answering the question “does jelqing work better in the morning or at night”, is going to come down to the individual and what I call his “consistency comfort level”.
Since the number one failure in seeing jelqing results often comes down to consistency, it’s best to ask yourself the following question:
Are you more able to be consistent with the jelqing exercise in the morning, or is there a greater chance you will practice your jelqs on a more consistent basis at night?
This should be the determination of whether your penis enlarging exercises should take place in the morning or the evening.