TAGS: #satan

In the beginning when God created mankind, His intention was for man to live a fulfilled abundant life in all aspects of life. Even from the idyllic setting of the garden, the two rivers, trees with plenty of fruits and the peace that man had with all the animals, shows that God wanted man to enjoy and have an eternal happy life.
In Genesis chapter 3, God placed Adam and Eve (the first two human beings) in the Garden of Eden: with the instructions that they could eat fruits from any tree in the Garden but the tree at the middle- the tree of the knowledge of right and wrong. God warned Adam and Eve from touching or eating the fruit; or they will die. Although, this was not so much to ask, man couldn't still adhere to the instructions of God. Satan, the Snake, was lurking around waiting for the right moment to strike.
While Adam was busy elsewhere in the garden, Snake approached Eve, confused her; and turned her mind from God's instructions. The snake lied to Eve that God warned them from eating the fruit because by eating their eyes would open and they would be like God. In Genesis 3: 6, when eve saw that the fruit was desirable, good for food and it will make one wise, she ate it and gave some to Adam. They disobeyed. The snake (Satan) prevailed but the faithfulness of God still endured.
Consequences of disobedience
God was not pleased with what they had done. He sent the first man and woman out of the Garden. At first, all that God had purposed for man seemed to have crushed. Adam and Eve were cursed and sent out of the Garden of Eden. For the woman, God said that she will multiply her pain in childbirth and that Adam will toil and sweat to eat from the ground. And that they will die. But God still had a plan to restore the first love.
Jesus the snake Crusher
Jesus is the Snake Crusher. God wanted a righteous person who will help restore the first love by crushing the snake. No one was righteous enough to take that place. That is why in John 3:16, the bible says, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him, will not perish but have eternal life. Jesus is the sacrificial lamb that God gave to man so that man will be able to enjoy what God intended in the Garden.
After many prophecies, the Snake Crusher finally came. He was born to Joseph and Virgin Mary. He taught many people and performed many miracles. When the day finally came, Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, one of His disciples, after being given a reward of 30 pieces of silver. After suffering on the hands of man, Jesus was finally crucified and died on the cross in a place called Calvary (Golgotha). But by His stripes we are healed- Isaiah 53: 5!
By dying on the cross, Jesus had suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring man to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit (1 Peter 3:18). And so the snake was completely crushed! Therefore through God's grace, Man was once again, together with Christ, given the privilege be an heir of God's glory (Roman 8:17). But so as to enjoy the life of abundance filled with peace and joy of the lord plus the eternal life after death, man has to believe with his heart and confess with his month and he will be saved.