Kenya is an East African country. It borders Tanzania to the south, Uganda to West, Southern Sudan to the north-west, Ethiopia to the north, Somalia to the north and Indian Ocean to the east. There are eight provinces in the country namely; Nyanza, Central, Eastern, Western, Coastal, Rift Valley, Nairobi and North Eastern Province.

There are 42 ethnic groups in the country. Each ethnic group has an identity of its own, believes and way of life. Among the ethnic groups, the Kikuyu community are the major number of people followed by Luhya, Luo and the Kalenjin. All Kenya ethnic languages ​​are grouped into three different family groups, the Bantus, Nilotes and Cushites. Bantus are concentrated in the central and south-east side of the country, Nilotes in the west and the Cushites in the north-east.

English and Swahili are the official languages ​​in the country and are widely spoken by the majority of the people. Sheng is another language commonly used by the youth in the urban areas. It is a mixture of Swahili and English. As a visitor in Kenya, it is recommended to learn a little bit of Swahili especially if you are to visit the rural areas. This way, you will hardly need an interpreter while communicating with the local people.

Kenya has a population of about 32 million people. About 70 percent of the population live in the rural areas and 30 percent in the urban metropolitan. Financial difficulties in the rural areas have made many people, especially the youth migrate to the cities where they search for employment.

The culture of Kenya is expressed in different ways depending on the ethnic group. This ranges from food, way of dressing, language, music and dance, art among other factors. The most popular stable food in all the ethnic groups in Nyama Choma, Ugali and tea. The meat is very delicious. You will severely miss Nyama Choma in occasions such as wedding, family and friends gathering.

In Kenya, every time is tea time. Tea, a mixture of milk, water, sugar and tea leaves. It is taken any time of the day. Another common drink in Kenya is a branded beer (Tusker). In big pubs, You will find many people eating Nyama Choma accompanied with a bottle of Tusker beer. Other popular foods include; rice, fish, chicken and chapati.

The Kenyan government has allowed freedom of worship. There are various church denominations all over the county. Over half of Kenya population are Christians. Other religions include Muslim, Hindu and traditional beliefs.

Kenya has a wide range of music styles both local and international. These includes folk songs, hip-hop, Afro-Fusion, Benga music among others. Guitar is a popular music instrument used in most of the music played here. Famous musicians include, Nameless, Juacali, Eric Wainaina, Pilipili, Achieng Abura omong others.

The art and artifacts differ from one ethnic group to other. Local people use available raw materials to weave and make beautiful carvings such as baskets, mats, necklace, bracelets, pictures, carved wood sculptures and clothing. The arts are sold locally and in the international markets.

All the ethnic groups respect their ancestors. They show their respect by following the foot steps of their fore-fathers. Their names are transported from one generation to the other through naming. They believe that the spirit of their ancestors continue to live even after death. The ancestor is the coordinator between God and the people.