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Choosing where your child will be educated is probably one of the hardest decisions you will ever make. Children are impressionable. So, how should you go about giving your child the best impressions and atmosphere that will inform his or her perception of self? To help you wade through all the different thoughts out there, here are a few things to consider before you sign those enrollment papers.
Christian Education
A Christian school is a facility that fosters character development as well as academic excellence in their students. Moral education involves matters of the heart, mind, and acts as the foundation for your child's character. A good Christian school is one that pays attention to forming a disciplined, self-aware heart, as well as book learning. If the school you are considering lacks in these areas, you should be asking hard questions or seeking a different facility altogether.
Christian education is often based on principles in the Bible. However, not all schools are created equal. When deciding what school will be the right choice for your child, pay attention to the details. Find the mission statement and thoroughly understand the goals the school is looking to accomplish. Form a relationship with teachers and staff members. These individuals will be the examples your child will learn from. When visiting a potential Christian school, listen more than you speak-this will give you an idea of the care your child will receive.
When Should My Child Start Kindergarten?
The National Center for Education Statistics found conclusive data on this issue. Judging by what the statistics are based on, it will likely never be conclusive. This fluctuation is mostly due to parents making decisions based on what is popular. Since popular vote changes, this can leave a responsible parent scratching their head. To avoid growing overwhelmed, here are two key facts and questions to ask yourself:
1. What is the cognitive and social maturity of my child?
You should be asking yourself, how quickly does your child make friends and how easily do they interact with others-peers and family members alike. Also, what about cognitive development? Does your child have trouble learning new concepts and tasks that they will encounter in Kindergarten? If you cannot readily answer, an assessment may be worthwhile.
2. If I start my child now, what will their 7th, 8th, and 9th grade life look like?
You should pay attention to the community around you. If parents in your area are sending their children at four years old, and you decide to let yours mature another year, will they feel out of place as the only 13-year-old in 8th grade? The National Center for Education Statistics shows that children who are kept back for these reasons end up picking up skills quicker once they do start, thus, becoming stronger readers and more academically astute 9th and 10th graders when it is all said and done.
Like a good coach, you know your child best. Do your due diligence and listen to your instincts.