Kona peaberry coffee is one of the finest coffees in the world. It is special and simply unique and only grows in specific areas. It mainly does well when grown in volcanic soil. This coffee is produced by around 600 families, who tend it by hand. The slopes are rocky; and therefore, using any kind of farm machinery is impossible. All work is done by hand-from planting to harvesting! The coffee is processed and flown to different parts around the world.

Peaberry is the finest of all Kona coffee beans harvested. It does not make a big percentage beans and comes with a round shape that burns evenly unlike ordinary flat ones. A peaberry is formed when two peas combine to make one rounded bean. They roll in the roasting chamber and do not stick like flat beans. They are always in high demand, which makes them a lot more expensive than ordinary coffee.

Peaberry coffee has a superior taste and it’s well-known all over the world. It is available for sale under various brand names. The coffee is of very high quality and quite expensive. It comes with some health benefits. One of these is that it has lowest acidity of all coffees in the market. These coffee beans have antioxidant properties that help in treatment of some health conditions like Alzheimer, diabetes and heart diseases. Nothing can beat a tasty up of coffee that comes with some health benefits.

Kona peaberry coffee comes in two grades. The first one is known as grade one peaberry and it has big and dense beans which produce a unique coffee. They contain no acid. The second grade is prime peaberry grade, which has smaller coffee beans. It also has a rich taste and consumers choose it depending on their preference.

The main differences between the two grades are weight and size of beans. Each of the beans is taken through a number of sieves to separate big and small ones. The prime grade has smaller beans, but it’s loved by most people due to its amazing taste and unique color.

Peaberry coffee is rare and the most preferred amongst Kona coffee grades. The cost is high, but its supply is never sufficient and that is why it is so exceptional. It is made so by nature and no one can make any other of its kind.

Peaberry coffee is available in full, dark, medium and light roast. They are all different but provide magnificent coffee. To get light roast, beans are roasted briefly and removed once the first crack happens. The coffee made from this roast is bitter, and contains higher acidity than medium roast. Medium roast offers sweet mixtures and has balanced acidity.

Full roast is removed after a second crack, but the beans may be left to roast for a few minutes to produce strong and tasty coffee. On the other hand, to get dark roast, beans are left to roast until they are almost burning. They make smoky dark, intense and tastier coffee.