TAGS: #black coffee

For a coffee aficionado, the brand of coffee maker is crucial. Choosing one that can brew the best tasting coffee in addition to having efficient and easy to use function is called for. In this area, three brands seem to be doing quite well-Krups, Delonghi and Black and Decker. But which one is actually better?
What you will love about this brand is the innovative design that is always presented in their coffee brewers. The design has got something to do with the efficiency of the machine and based from its reviews, it does offer efficiency too. Many consumers find the construction sturdy and reliable.
Also, the brewing cycle has whisper-soft functions. It does not create load noises that can be extremely annoying early in the morning. Also, it eliminates coffee spillage due to its spill-free construction. The only downside to this brand is the price. Compared to its competitors, it offers a higher price range.
Delonghi offers reliable coffee machines. They favor a construction that keeps the carafe well-protected from damages. This way, you will not have the constant fear of breaking the glass carafe or knocking something off.
The reviews for this brand are above average. Some liked it and others prefer other brands. However, it does stand out when it comes to the taste of the coffee it brews and how easy it is to use. The coffee comes out flavorful because Delonghi has employed the use of gold tone filter. This filter successfully extracts a lot of coffee essential oil.
Black and Decker
Like Delonghi, Black and Decker also follow a sort-of uniform kind of look for their brewers. What you will love about this is that they are sold in a less expensive price range. But although they are cheaper, the features should not be underestimated.
It eliminates the usual coffee brewer problem like coffee spilling and dripping. Consumers like how easy the functions are to understand. It is definitely one of the reasons why it is inexpensive. There are no complicated functions that can confuse you. Also, it brews coffee real fast which is what busy people are always looking for.
They all seem like good brands to begin with. The ratings are also pretty high. If you want a cheap coffee brewer that only makes good coffee, go for either Black and Decker or Delonghi. For a more sophisticated machine, Krups is the right one for you.