TAGS: #millionaires

Are you in the business world and have your own business? Are you a blogger trying to make a decent living working at home? Trying to determine the methods and tricks to turning your business into a multi-million dollar one can seem almost impossible if you have no clue where to start, or how. You can now use the law of attraction though to help you achieve this goal and get further with your business. While you may be thinking how that can possibly work without you doing so much more work than you already are, the truth is that you don’t have to. The first step though is to start living a millionaire lifestyle. Here are a few lessons from the men who made their own millions to get you started.
1. Live Like a Millionaire – This starts by living below your means. You might find this hard to believe but many millionaires live frugally-ridiculously frugally, in fact. For instance, billionaires such as David Cheriton and John Caldwell get their hair cut at home!
Rather than going out and buying expensive things, settle for something less expensive. While having money means that you want to spend it all, don’t be tempted to do so. This will only leave you back at square one eventually: broke.
You should also love your business or your job. The wealthiest people are there because they are passionate about their jobs and love doing what they do.
2. Think Like a Millionaire – Instead of focusing more on developing a good business, focus more on doing something good. Build a business off of something that you are passionate about and love doing. You are going to find that the more you enjoy your job, the more you are going to want to work. This was precisely what Paul Burford had in mind when he traded in his website building chops for hair crimpers. Says Paul, “You’re fearless when you’re young.” This is a good thing. When you think you will succeed, you attract success. When you focus on becoming a millionaire, everything else will fall into place.
You also need to be under the impression that your business is already a million dollar one. Think about how normal it is to have money flowing in to you at all times.
3. Be Patient If You’re Impatient (and if you’re already patient, be even more so!) – Self-made millionaire Ken Wills didn’t become a tycoon overnight. He started small and worked his way up to a business empire that now makes $20 million pounds!
No matter how you are going to use the law of attraction, you need to have patience. Patience is the key to having a happy and successful business and personal life as well. You need to understand that it takes a lot to run a business, whether you have a home business or own an actually office building. You need to do things in a certain way and skipping ahead is not going to get you anywhere.
You should also apply the law of attraction to help you find inspiration rather than products that are going to sell. The law can really help you find your niche and to make that business of yours whether you are a blogger, a writer, or have your own store, a multi-million dollar one soon enough.