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Indonesia is a country with a long history of colonialism. One of the countries who colonized Indonesia is Netherlands that started to come to Indonesia at years 1609s. The Netherlands government made central government at some cities in Indonesia. One of them located at Semarang, now become the capital city of Central Java province. In Semarang, the government builds government building named Lawang Sewu, a Javanese words which mean “a thousand doors”. The words “a thousand doors” refer to a lot of doors made in the building. According to the official books of Semarang Government, Lawang Sewu build started from 1904 and finished at 1907 located at Tugu Muda’s circle.
Lawang Sewu divided into three building. The main building is a three floors building that has two wings spread to the right section and left section. If visitors enter the main building, they’ll find a large stare into the second floor. Between the stare there is a huge glass shows a picture of two young Dutch ladies made from glasses. All of the building structure, the doors and the windows adapt Dutch’s style of architecture. The doors and the windows made of best woods, and the walls made of thick stones. The others building looked familiar, only smaller.
The main building has a large gutter with a main function to throw water from around the building to avoid flood. At the period of Japanese government, this gutter becomes a dungeon to arrest people who avoid paid taxes. Besides that, the gutter becomes a place where Indonesian people hide from the Netherlands soldier. At the present moment, this gutter along with the name of Lawang Sewu, became famous of mystical place after a national television program named “Dunia Lain” showed the phenomenal picture of a ghost lady in the gutter. After that, Lawang Sewu not only becomes famous of its historical building, but also its mystical issue where a ghost lady and Dutch ghost soldier appears.