TAGS: #arsenal
You may think that a fat wallet and movie star good looks are what it takes to impress women. They are not. I am not saying they would not be on the list, but they are not near the top. Having a little bit of "game" and a lot of positive attitude will impress women far more than simple looks or money.
You may think it is difficult to do have a good "game" with women. It is not !!!
All you have to do is find out the things that impress girls add what you can to your arsenal and you will find you will be quite attractive to females.
The Things that Really Impress the Girls
Things that impress girls are things that they are not used to.
An old standby is chivalry.
Many guys think that women do not appreciate it these days. That is wrong. The less that guys have chivalry in their tool bag of attraction techniques and "game" the more women come to appreciate those guys that do have it.
Pull out her chair for her and open doors. Be a gentleman, act confident and in control. At the same time you also want to portray a certain air of casualness and aloofness.
This is not to say you should act like her slave to be at her beck and call. The amount you want to vary between these too depend on the girl. It is sort of like the old trope. "Treat a princess like a hooker and a hooker like a princess".
You should never do either of these to the extreme, but if the girl looks like she is used to being fawned over and pampered, act even more casual and aloof. If it seems that it has been a long time since she has had a man treat her like a princess lean more towards trying to treat her as if she is the most special thing in the world.
How to Improve your Game with Girls
One way to impress women and improve your game with girls is to have some skills that set you apart from the, "average guy". There are generally a few skills that will impress a woman.
Cook her dinner. This is always a good one. Every man need to have 1-2 really good recipes in his arsenal.
If you have a rare skill, without bragging you can casually show her. Playing the piano or guitar, being a good illusionist, having an excellent singing voice, all of these can work wonders. Do not force it, though, doing a excerpt from Lady Gaga's "Alejandro" while passing gas, might thrill your buddies, but most women might not find it arousing.
Improving your game with women is all about creating a connection. You want to casually show her that you are different and maybe even "better" than all the other guys she has dated. If you do this by using an old skill like chivalry, that many guys have abandoned or making sure she sees one of your unique talents, it is important to give her something upfront that shows you are a high status guy.
A high status guy is far more impressive to women than a little bit of money or good looks.