It is obvious that some websites are running more popularly than others, despite providing the similar type of products or services. As per experts research, a mere percent of retail entrepreneurs actually succeed in the first attempt because either they do not get the right eCommerce platform for developing their site or do not get the tactics of running a store right. This article is definitely going to serve the interests of new online businesses but in context of Magento, which is presently the front-running platform for eCommerce sites development.

The following points are the major tricks that online merchants must follow and adhere to while operating a Magento-powered store to stay ahead of their counterparts in the market.

#1 To boost sales, prepare a high-end store

The best way for increasing the traffic to their website, retailers need to think like their customers. They never get fancied by how beautiful the store looks or which platform it is built of. Instead, they seek for features, usefulness from the website and wants it to be really unfussy. Fast pages download, products loading, vast product ranges, pleasant prices, and great customer services, these are all they look for in a website. However, the most crucial tactics to gear an online Magento store for more traffic are:

  • Directing search results with redirect feature of Magento
  • Making the website global-level with personalised languages, location-based features
  • Reducing checkout steps for reducing hassles of the buyers

#2 Making website search engine friendly must be a priority

For a Magento store owner, it must be a known fact. SEO (Search engine optimisation) is one of the integral online business strategies and Magento is in fact specifically prepared for that. Thus, retailers did not have to put much more external efforts for enhancing their On-page SEO. Moreover, SEO makes eCommerce site more interactive allowing it to gain wider visibility and new customers from the search engines. With user-friendly interface and premium customisation options, Magento makes it extremely easy for owners to optimise their site for search engines and drive traffic overwhelmingly. Steps to follow for making a Magento based site SEO friendly:

  • Page optimisation with keywords-rich titles
  • Generating XML sitemap
  • Optimising Meta descriptions with most relevant keywords
  • Avoiding duplicate content
  • Creating SEO friendly URLs

#3 Careful consideration of the typical Magento errors

Many times, online buyers face such serious hassles while browsing through a shop or placing orders. Buyers may find it difficult to add products to the cart, to checkout, review orders, or cancel orders. Such impediments in the checkout stage make it worse for the site by reducing the prospects of sales. Thus, for online merchants to provide a seamless shopping experience to their customers and encourage them to keep visiting back, securing the store from all probable vulnerabilities is essential. The most effective way to deal with errors in a Magento site is:

  • Use of Shopping Cart Diagnostics, that troubleshoot stores to find and rectify errors
  • Getting store configuration checked from time to time

Summing it Up!

While deploying Magento and working with it calls of immense expertise and knowledge as it is one of the most complex, feasible and progressive eCommerce platforms known, keeping these crucial tricks in mind retailers can get their store run successfully. Magento undoubtedly brings in flexible features to boost website traffic and sales and these tricks will help better to outperform other competitive stores and ease out all troubles of the customers and sellers.