TAGS: #hate

“I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate – it’s apathy. It’s not giving a damn.”
Leo Buscaglia
Hate is a very strong words but it an integral part of our lives. Hatred is a sense of hostility which usually occurs due to fear or anger or it may be a by-product of an inferiority complex. If we meet various kinds of people we like some, we even love a few but we hate people too.
Hatred affects us in a negative way. If we have negative feelings it will not harm anyone else as much as it will harm us. Hence hate is like the parasite which stays inside us and slowly eats us. The person we hate seldom gets affected by our hatred and often does not realize it also. It would be appropriate then that hatred towards others should not affect us. Hence we should let go of hate and let love and affection take its place.
Hatred does show negative impacts on our body too. Weight gain due to stress, ulcers, and headaches are the first signs. If hatred is not curbed it may further lead to depression and high blood pressure. Quitting hatred is like deciding to quit a long addiction towards negativity.
Now how do we win over hatred? It is obviously not very easy but many people have conquered the feeling and have become masters of their own selves.
We generally hate people who have left a negative impact on our lives. First of all we should realize the basic fact that hating people will not benefit us in any ways rather it will harm us only. Moreover loathing someone just gives the person enough power to control us.
Hatred generally originates when we are hurt. Hence we should try to convince ourselves that we are not wrong and if anyone else hurts us it is their lookout and not ours. We should not look out to get back to them because that would ruin us too. It would be advisable to confront them and ask answers than to just think and hate someone. A blow or two would not do as much harm as the slow silent hatred which ruins our days and nights. Just pick up the phone and tell the person how much he/she has affected your life, support it with abusive language if required. After this you will definitely feel lighter.
The basic concept to refrain from hating is to realize that the person involved is not so important and he should occupy so much space in your mind and life. There are many other people for whom you have positive thoughts and who would always be ready to be there for you. It’s like opening the window and letting fresh air into your existence and hence letting the stale air go out. Thus take the step forward and let the hate go off… love will seep in…