Deirdre Heekin wrote the book I wish I had written. I love her book, named “Libation, A Bitter Alchemy.” It means to pour, as in an offering. When Deirdre pours me a glass of wine, it feels like a celebration before the fruit reaches my lips.

I was hooked from the first line. Deirdre’s book is a voyage into the heart of an artist, reader, writer, world traveler, perfumer, gardener, cook and wine maker.

I have the good fortune to have met her. She is beautiful, from the inside out. Then, I tasted her wine. It is as sublime as she is.

Later, I watched her chef husband, Caleb, prepare the vibrant, bright green, organic wild leeks and dandelion greens. Dining at the big wooden table in their Woodstock, Vermont café was like eating at home, only better.

Within minutes, their fresh home grown produce is transported from their Barnard, Vermont garden to their Italian-New England, trattoria – osteria pane e salute.

Deirdre and Caleb’s cafe is the true meaning of farm to fork, grape to table. I hope to return for one more taste of Caleb’s cooking and another sip of wine–the perfect marriage. I long to pluck grapes from their farm, taste wine and greens in their cafe and fly to Tuscany, all at the same time.

I did not want to leave Woodstock, Vermont. As I boarded my flight from Burlington to Sarasota, Florida, I opened Deidre’s newest book and started to read. Later, I did not even notice that we had landed. I had read it, word for word, and began again.

(I want to tell Deirdre that this is one of the best books about travel, wine and LOVE that I have ever read).

As a former book reviewer for a national magazine and a literary magazine, I have found it easy to discuss the content of books. I cannot describe “Libation” and do it justice. I only urge you to read it and then buy it for everyone you know who shares a passion for bread and wine, beauty, nature and life.