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Feeling tired of your regular vacation destination? Why don’t you come to Indonesia and visit Magelang?
As one of the largest cities in Central Java, Indonesia, Magelang has been a favorite destination for many domestic and foreign tourists. The city that located 43 km north from Yogyakarta, and 75 km south of Semarang, the capital of Central Java, is the closest major town to Borobudur Temple, one of the world’s wonders built in ninth century. Besides, it also has a number of the town’s buildings from the Dutch East Indies (colonial) era, which become heritage landmarks now. One of them is Museum Pangeran Diponegoro (formerly used as Karesidenan Kedu Building), that keep some of the memories from Prince Diponegoro, one of the Indonesian famous hero.
In Indonesia itself, the city of Magelang is known as a military landmark. Even before its official establishment date on April 11th 907, the old Magelang has a long history as a military post. During the battle between pro independence army and Dutch colonial that happen in the early 1940s, Magelang once again took a part as the Indonesian Army’s camp. In this third millennium, its historical background is strengthening by the existence of two military landmarks there: The Military Academy and the associated-military school which also known as the best high school in Indonesia, Taruna Nusantara.
In contrast with its history and background as a military landmark, Magelang is a nice city that has so many places of interest. It possesses all the right things to attract getaway traveler. Those who love food and shopping will find unforgettable experience in Magelang. Shops, minimarkets, and restaurants are the common places you can find in Magelang’s Chinatown (Pecinan), the one way 1.5 km long road that also become a center of business in Magelang. For those who love crowds, Magelang Town’s Square (Alun-Alun) is the best place where many people, from domestic residences as well as foreign tourists, enjoy the sensational atmosphere of Magelang.
Its strategic location combined with the fertile agricultural area has put Magelang on a very progressive plan of economic, social, cultural, and also tourism. Year 2008 has become an important milestone for all Indonesian cities including Magelang to prepare the global challenge. Time to time, Magelang always strengthen its position as one of the favorite holiday destination in Indonesia,