TAGS: #millionaires

If you listen to a lot of conversations you’ll find that a lot of them revolve around blame. The majority of people blame anybody or anything else for their current situation. It’s the fault of the bad economy, the boss, the coworker, the neighbour, the teacher, the children, the spouse… Very few people look at their own actions and their own decisions as the root cause of their problems. Let’s look at three key ways to step away from the blame game and take responsibility for your actions instead
Take ownership of the situations you find yourself in
The easy way to go through life is to blame all your problems on everything but yourself. It’s more comfortable and less painful to do so. To admit that your own decisions are the cause of where you are now is difficult. Very difficult at times. However, where you are today is the sum total of all the decisions you have made up to date. Take ownership of the situations you find yourself in. You and only you can change how you act. If there is a problem that needs a solution why not find that solution yourself! If something needs to be done why not do it yourself? You’ll be a lot less frustrated if you take care of what irritates you in any given situation and stop waiting for others to take action.
Stop waiting for everything or everybody around you to change
The only thing you can change is yourself and how you react to each situation as it arises. You can’t force anyone else to change. If you don’t like something that’s happening around you either take action to change it, if you can, or change how you respond to it. Complaining about it gets you nowhere. It’s only action that gets results
Stop thinking and wishing but actually do something about your life and the life you want to lead.
Thinking and wishing get you nowhere. I even suggest removing the phrase ‘I wish’ from your vocabulary. It gets you nowhere. If you want something then make a plan, set a goal and take specific steps to get it. It’s the only way. What kind of life do you want to lead? Do you want to spend the remainder of your life wishing things were different. Complaining about what hasn’t happened yet and what you haven’t got. Do something about it!
Take responsibility. Think like the millionaires who know that their success is based on the actions they take. They don’t stand around having ‘pity parties’ but do what needs to be done to get them what they want. Stop focusing on your problem. Focus on finding answers and solutions to your problems instead. Step away from the blame game and become an action taker instead.