TAGS: #indonesia

Like I promised before, I am continuing my writing about this Emmy award TV-Drama. Not to bother anybody, just for documentation in the internet. Because I find no adequate response about this at the time, meanwhile blogging was not popular yet at the time this serial broadcasted. So, although this is an old issue, I write it down anyway for anybody who wants to know the truth about Indonesia. For clarity, I put it in pointers.
* The name and actor choosing for Indonesian character is not good enough. They look more like Japanese than Indonesian. Only Indonesian President acted by Indonesian man named Ariono Suriawinata. The other by American-Japanese (Nelson Mashita as Minaldi, state interpreter) and American-German (Peter Kors as Rahmadi Sumahidjo Bambang, Indonesian Deputy). Many Indonesian has no family name, although several ethnic has. My name for example, has no family name although another Javanese has. The name Rahmadi Sumahidjo Bambang is unusual, because Bambang is first name. So, it must be Bambang Rahmadi Sumahidjo or Bambang Sumahidjo Rahmadi. Awkwardly, he stated by Minaldi as Batak, meanwhile this Bambang name is clearly Javanese name. I guess the scriptwriter of this episode inspired by the name of one Indonesian rich man, who’s owned McDonalds franchise throughout all Indonesia. He is Bambang N. Rachmadi. Even the Indonesian President name is Rahm Siguto! Beside influenced by this Indonesian McDonalds franchisee boss, the name showed that the president is half Japanese maybe. (Siguto is not Indonesian name at all, except they changed to Sugito which Javanese).
* Although became background information only, there are three scenes that Donna Moss -Joshua Lyman secretary- spread information about massacre in Indonesia. Considering this TV-drama making and broadcasting year in 1999, it should be Malang, Ciamis, and surrounding incident. Yes, there was doubt in Indonesian government bodies including police to take appropriate and fast action to law enforcement at that time. Because they are frightened to be accused by international bodies as the actor of human right violation. There are more than several victims which died because they were accused as sorcerer. But one thing that I want to stress here is, that incident only happened once and only in Java Island. Indonesia as a nation have more than 700 ethnics which can bring up problem in their daily life because their different culture and way of life. That incident is not happened daily in our country. We are peaceful people, indeed.
* There is one scene showed photo session for presidential palace journalist. I think it is unusual to put their nation flag behind each own leader. The usual way is change position. So The Star & Stripes should put behind Indonesian President, meanwhile Sang Saka Merah Putih (The Sacred Red and White) put behind US President.
* In any official state party, it is impossible for host to abandon their guest. There is more than one scene that US President can leave the party just for given information by his staff about condition happened outside the palace.
* American audience seems didn’t care enough for that entire mistake facts about Indonesia. They put their attention more to Sam Seaborn scandal with Brittany ‘Laurie’ Rollins. FYI, in this TV-drama, the character of Brittany is Sam’s friend. But those White House staff looked fall in love with her. The problem is Brittany ‘night job’ as call girl which has negative image. In this episode, Sam seemed have a lunch together with Brittany and in that moment Brittany told Sam that she had ‘night job’ that night. Surprisingly, Brittany ‘night job’ is to accompany one big entrepreneur to attend party at White House, when she meets Seaborn there. American audience criticized that is impossible for anybody to enter official party in White House without clear identity like name, address, and social security number. I don’t know about the White House procedure, but I agree it seems too easy for people to enter presidential palace. It can be dangerous for the president himself of course.
However, I conclude the same way like The Jakarta Post did: “anyway, this is a fiction only.” But unfortunately, a fiction like this commonly more influenced in people’s awareness because the choice of ‘the right way’ to communicate the message itself. It is entertaining and audio-visual. Just like hoax which Bush did that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Many American people believe because he communicate this fake fact with right communication way. And this is one of the negative impacts of communication using.