Morning sickness refers to the nausea and vomiting that some women have when they become pregnant. It is caused by the sudden increase in hormones during pregnancy.

At time when many changes are occurring in body, it is often very discouraging. Some women feels very tense as lot of changes are occurring in body especially woman first time pregnant get more anxious

Because these symptoms most often occur in the morning, they are referred to as “morning sickness,” for some women it lasts all day and is even at night. Discomfort usually eases off by the third or fourth month in most of women but just few cases it may last for full duration.

Morning sickness can be minimized by

o Getting out of bed slowly in the morning, first sitting on the edge of the bed for a few minutes. Have crackers or some biscuits available on nightstand and eat one or two as soon as wake up will give relief in some extent.

o Eat dry toast, crackers, apple, bananas when feel nauseating. Some women feel better by sucking lemons or peppermints, or breakfast cereals.

o Eat small divided meals throughout day. Avoid foods that are greasy, fried, or highly seasoned.

o Between meals, drink plenty of water, juice, or soups but avoid those that are either very hot or very cold.

o Always try to have balanced diet with lot of fruits and vegetables in diet.

o Women can try ginger tea or lemon in tea to reduce nausea.

o Give yourself time to relax. Don’t be panic as these are normal complaints in pregnancy.

o Do not try to take any medicine by own to reduce nausea vomiting before consulting any doctor.