As usual, I had a client with a very specific request for their Joomla website: they had some forms on their website that they didn’t want accessible to the general public. Furthermore, they didn’t want their clients to have to register. Instead, they preferred to have one password to protect these forms. If they wanted a client to have access to the forms, they would send the password to the client. I did a Google search and found MosPasswort Plugin for Joomla.

MosPasswort, a Joomla Plugin, allows you to password protect Joomla content items. Once you install the plugin, you simply enter {password} in any Joomla page that you want to protect with a password. Then, when a user attempts to access a password protected page, they are presented with a password screen. There is no need for the user to register OR to login. They just need to enter the correct password.

Why can’t I just use the default Joomla Registered user function to protect a page? Good Question. You certainly can use Joomla’s default page protection by forcing a user to register and login before viewing a page. But many users don’t like to register or login.

The Joomla MosPasswort plugin allows you to define a password for certain pages. Once you set up a password protection for a page, the user simply enters the correct password to view the protected page.

This method can be very handy when you want to you have pages you want to protect from the public. Send your clients the password and they can access the page. No need to mess with registration and login. As long as you don’t need to collect user data, this method is much faster and easier for the user.

This is a very nice Joomla Plugin, and it does exactly what it is designed to do.

NOTE: You must have php5 on your web server or you need to make a small modification to the passwort.php file.