TAGS: #christian

If you are a Christian wife who is having trouble with intimacy issues, due to your husband not being interested in sex, then there are definitely things you can do to resolve the situation and get to the point of having a wonderful sex life as you should be experiencing.
Here are ways to get your Christian husband interested in sex:
1. Stress the importance, meaning, and need for a strong and steady sex life. Many times Christian husbands will view sex as not a primary issue in the marriage relationship. But it truly is a primary issue and he needs to be awoken to this fact. The importance and meaning of Christian sex is the following: it is a wonderful gift from God which places strong emphasis on the celebration of the union between the two of you. Celebrating this awesome gift frequently is a need that all Christian couples should have. There should be no shame, no guilt and no fear engaging in sexual intimacy. This would be disrespecting the wonderful gift which God has provided all married Christian couples. To put in bluntly, sex should be practiced to the fullest.
2. Use a “middle man” approach. This works best if it is someone from the church. If you can have one of your girlfriend’s husbands talk to your husband regarding questions he may have or issues he may have with sexual intimacy, then this is also an option that may be more comfortable for him. Often there is nervousness issues or some sort of inner conflict which can prevent your husband from feeling the usual excitement that most men feel when it comes to sex. Have him air out his issues with a member of the church or someone close he can feel comfortable talking with.
3. Getting him help: seminars, literature, or online Christian sex guides. To put it simply, you need to get him some help. You can do this in the form of seminars, literature or even online, at home Christian sex guides written specifically for husbands who are experiencing problems in their relationships when it comes to intimacy issues. There are many seminars that have arisen in recent years that focus primarily on Christian marriage sex issues. These can be excellent to attend, but the catch is obviously getting your husband to be game for such a seminar. It may be best to start him out with literature or online guides, and hopefully that will get him to partake in a larger based Christian marriage intimacy seminar or event.