Tendonitis is a painful condition and can make it difficult to perform everyday activities. Patients suffering from tendonitis can benefit from natural treatments.

What exactly is tendonitis? The muscles in our body are connected to the bones with a fibrous structure called tendonitis. Tendonitis involves swelling and inflammation of the tendons; it usually affects the heels, knees, ankles, shoulders, wrists and elbows.


Acupuncture is a powerful natural treatment. It can be used to treat tendonitis. The treatment involves the use hollow-pointed needles on different points all over the body; these points are called the meridian. The practice help to balance the body’s vital energy known as chi and it removes any blocks within the body allowing the energy to flow freely. A proper treatment can be given by a trained acupuncturist who can relieve your tendonitis pain.

Friction Massage Therapy

Friction massage is a natural treatment that relieves tendonitis pain and it can be easily performed at home. All you need to for this massage is some ice, your hands and some time. With your fingers apply firm but gentle pressure and massage the tendons or use a thumb to do the same. Massage keeping the thumb or fingers perpendicular to the tendon fibers and continue for 2 minutes. Initially you may feel some discomfort but it will ease as you continue massaging. After the first 2 minutes, stop and repeat increasing the pressure. Finish the massage using ice; apply ice over the area for 2 minutes or till the area feels numb. The discomfort when you begin the massage must ease while you continue but if it does not or if the discomfort increases then stop the massage.

Essential Oil Treatment

Essential oils are plant extracts which have medicinal properties. Certain essential oils have the ability to treat tendonitis pain. Eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory properties which can provide relief from tendonitis pain when directly massaged into the affected area. If you have high blood pressure then it is best to avoid eucalyptus oil. Another useful essential oil is lavender oil. It has a calming and soothing effect, massaging it directly into the affected tendon can provide effective pain relief. Before you use essential oils as a natural tendonitis treatment, test with a small amount to ensure you don’t have any allergic reactions.


Homeopathy is another effective alternative treatment for tendonitis. The treatment works subtly. Arnica Montana is a homeopathic remedy which can provide natural relief from tendonitis pain and inflammation. It can be used as a topical cream or taken sublingually.

Supplements and Herbs

You can boost the body’s immunity and aid the healing process by including vitamin C in your diet. Minerals such as magnesium and calcium are essential for the proper functioning of connective tissues and muscles and it also maintains your neurological health. White willow bark and boswellia are natural pain killers and can substitute NSAIDs and aspirin. Consult a doctor if you are already taking blood thinning medication before taking any of these herbs.