A simple sweet story about four friends who are brought together by fate as they join the most coveted finance company in the same batch. A story of young dreams, ambitions, love, money, heart-breaks, rejections, deceit and friendship. A story which could be your's, which could very well be mine but with a twist.

Abhijeet , a hardworking nerd, who comes from a middle class family, studies well and manages to get selected by Silverman Finance Company and all he dreams of is to have a rich lifestyle and never have to worry about money again in life. Shruti is hard working and studies diligently, she is oppressed by her parents and only dreams of getting a job so that she can escape marrying a divorcee and being beaten up by family and in-laws. She manages to get a job in Silverman Finance!

Saurav , an IITian is a rich spoilt brat, for him money doesn't matter but earning a job on his own in Silverman Finance does! His aim in life is to enjoy it, he doesn't know what it is to manage in limited budget or cutting down on dreams is. Garima is in love but then her boyfriend, her life cheats on her. She is shattered so she decides to move away from Delhi, from everything that might remind her of her boyfriend or the pain she is going through. She starts drinking and smoking in college. She is very good at studies and secures a job in Silverman Finance.

These four join Silverman Finance on the same day and soon realize that life is not easy at all in this company which believes in making them slog for hours at end, against tough competition and to top it all there is office politics and bosses who ask for just one thing. Life is miserable here. These four soon become friends and hang on together in the company. As things change, they find themselves falling in love, drifting apart as friends, fighting over ex-girlfriend, fighting over sleeping with bosses and so on. Things change for these four best friends.

Will they come back together? Will their dreams come true or will they just give up on their dreams? Will Abhijeet be able to forget his past and stick with Garima ? Will Shruti be able to find herself a rich boyfriend so she doesn't have to return back to her parent's house and marry the divorcee they have chosen for her? Will Garima be ever able to get over her past and move on life? What role would Deb and Avantika play in their friendship? A lot of questions and all get answered in due course of the story which is good, to the point and tugs at you at various places.

A simple read, which won't take too much time, and initially is a smooth sail till things start scattering around and it gets slightly intense. But overall a good read.