TAGS: #beijing

Last year many people emailed us about 7-7-07 (July 7, 2007), asking if it’s a special date due to all the sevens. We were quoted in three separate American newspaper articles about 7-7-07.
We may have disappointed some people with our perspective about 7-7-2007 since we don’t consider it a special date as reflected by the associated, in-depth number patterns.
While the year 2007 includes a seven, it’s not purely a seven vibration: 2+0+0+7 = 9. Thus, the date is really 7-7-9. Also, the 9 and 2000 of 2007 carry more weight than the 7.
The way to find the most important number mysticism vibration of any multiple-digit number is to add them up and reduce to a single digit (fadic addition).
7-7-2005 (7-7-7) includes more seven energy than 7-7-2007 (7-7-9) on this key level.
The Chinese place a lot of importance on the number eight. They largely associate it with prosperity.
Although superstition too often prevails in many cultures, we believe eight does symbolically have some advantages over other numbers, especially in relation to control, m.o.n.e.y, power, and status.
The Beijing Olympic Games are scheduled to start on 8-8-2008, at 08:08:08 p.m. China Standard Time in Beijing.
Here is some information about the number eight:
8: The number 8 is tied to influence, m.o.n.e.y, karma, action, business success, business failure, control, material objects, status, loss, gain, administration, management, ego, leadership, power.
Balanced 8 energy: prosperous, high-powered, commanding, stamina, self-confident, persuasive, financial awareness, effective, ambitious, businesslike, clear-headed, disciplined, material freedom, honorable, enterprising.
Over-balanced 8 energy: abuses power, cold-blooded, egotistical, overreaction to m.o.n.e.y, scheming, aggressive, materialistic, corrupt, demanding, domineering, preoccupied with power and m.o.n.e.y, unsympathetic, over-ambitious, confrontational, rebellious, coarse.
Under-balanced 8 energy: passive, vulnerable, fearful, insecure, avoids power and m.o.n.e.y, poor judgment, gives personal power away, shortsighted.
As indicated above, eight can represent great rewards, yet it can also symbolize huge challenges, depending on the rest of the indicators in the charts.
The date 8-8-2008 is really, on the most important fundamental, numerological level, 8-8-1 (2+0+0+8=10, 1+0=1).
This next part of the analysis of 8-8-2008 gets a little more complicated, but we’ve simplified it as much as possible. Although many layers of indicators (natal and predictive) exist in our comprehensive numerology charting systems, directly below we refer to some of the more basic ones that comprise the general numerology outline of our Numerology Decoder software.
(Note: we substituted “ti,” t = 20th letter of alphabet and i = 9th letter to = 29, for the “xxix” part of the “Games of the xxix Olympiad” as it translates better in the software.)
There is a lot of hidden seven energy in the date 8-8-2008, and it’s not very favorable seven energy. It’s a hefty combination of over-balanced and under-balanced seven energy. More information is below.
7: The number 7 is connected to mysticism, intuition, inner growth, examination, study, analysis, reflection, lowered physical vitality, increased mental activity, conserving assets, planning, attracting unsolicited help, specialization, solitude, health issues, travel.
Balanced 7 energy: metaphysical interests, different wavelength, intellectual, clairvoyant, analytical, perceptive, scientific, exact, meditative, mystical, expert, bookish, poised, telepathic, visionary, deep, dreamer, instinctive, reflective, truth-seeker, studious, wise.
Over-balanced 7 energy: fearful, nervous, critical, paranoid, indecisive, secretive, repressed emotions, distrustful, guarded, intimidating, fussy, evasive, fanatic, self-conscious, secretive, perfectionist, impersonal, pessimistic.
Under-balanced 7 energy: lack of depth, naïve, ignorant, too trusting, empty-headed, mystified, superficial, lack of faith, undeveloped, uninformed, unsure.
Plenty of 16/7 energy (e.g., 8+8=16/7, 7+9=16/7) also exists in the date 8-8-2008, which is a firm sign of the following and other challenges: hypocrisy, superficiality, painful collapse of ego-self ideals, rise in status leading to eventual collapse, scandal, intense pride, and self-righteousness.
Unfortunately, the comprehensive charts, beyond what we mention above, also predominantly reflect challenging patterns.
On a positive note, the “Life Path” (the most important basic calculation in modern numerology) of 8-8-2008 is indeed eight (8+8+1=17/8), so at least the desire for eight is fulfilled potently that way (along with the day of eight and the minor symbolic influence of the 08 of 2008). It’s unfortunate though that there’s so much malefic seven associated with the date.
Additionally, the official starting time of the Beijing 2008 Olympics (opening ceremony) includes some unsavory astrological considerations, including the following: Sun in a weak house; Moon in Scorpio (opposite of it being exalted in Taurus); Saturn opposing the Ascendant; the Ascendant ruler (Jupiter as ruler of Pisces according to ancient astrology) is retrograde (modern ruler, Neptune, is in a weak house–12th); secondary ruler of Ascendant (Venus) is with Saturn; and Mercury is in a weak house.
The lesson here is that it’s important to embrace a comprehensive approach with numerology and astrology, and preferably use them together, as a surface approach easily yields unwanted and, or erroneous results.
Although we would have chosen a different start date and time for the Olympics, we accept that however it came about, fate is fate and it was meant to be that way. Besides, the symbolism doesn’t suggest total doom and hopefully the games will go smoothly without any major problems, aside from the on-going political issue (Tibet) and recent earthquake.
Copyright © Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo