Giving away various items at your coffee shop can increase your sales. Consumers really like to find added value in what they are already paying for. If you are looking for ways to get an advantage over your competition this can really help you to accomplish it. These free items do not have to be very expensive either in order for you to benefit from them.

It is very easy to devise a system where you can give away free coffee. It can be based on the number of purchases each customer makes or the cost of those purchases. One of the easiest ways is to offer a punch card. Each time they come in you can punch it until it is full. Then they can benefit from their free reward that is part of the program.

Take some time to consider how many punches it will take and what they will get. If it is a 24 ounce coffee make sure it says this. That way your customers that normal purchase a 32 ounce cup will not think they have been cheated in any way. Use a puncher that is hard to duplicate so you do not have to worry about people taking advantage of your free offers.

If you do not want to offer monthly prizes at the coffee shop you can go with a long term plan. Each full punch card that is redeemed during the year can be placed in a drawing for a nice prize. This can be a trip to Las Vegas, tickets to a wonderful play that will be in the area, or other prizes that people will really enjoy.

One a smaller scale you should consider offering free samples. This is a way to get customers to try new drinks that they otherwise would not want to. Sure, they only cost a few dollars but when you want your morning drink to get going you do not want to have to choke it down. Advertise a particular special on a drink for the month and give out free samples of it as well.

Giving your customers the opportunity to be able to try new drinks is a great way to keep them coming back to see what else you have to offer. If they really do not like a new drink they purchased it willing to replace it. The customers will appreciate this nice gesture and be even more loyal to your coffee shop.

With the advances in technology today, people are relying on computers for everything. You may want to offer some free services at your coffee shop to accommodate that dependency. Those that have a laptop with them will really appreciate being able to access wireless internet connections free of charge.

Some coffee shops have computer terminals set up that customers can come in and use instead of using their own. This is a personal choice that you may want to consider. It does increase the cost of getting your coffee shop operational but it can definitely draw a crowd of customers for you as well.