TAGS: #indonesia

Many people are looking for Oil Rig Jobs. And a frequent question put forth is: Where do I find oil rig jobs? The truth is… they are all over the world.
The Indonesian government wants to expand their production. So they are investing more money into exploration. In truth this is seen all around the world among many governments.
The fact is that an oil rig has a limited life. Oil and gas fields eventually dry up. In other words there is no more resource to be harvested. So this means that companies have to explore for new opportunities.
In Indonesia, exploration must occur in the eastern part of the region. This requires the government to launch exploration incentives. In turn, this becomes a mutual benefit for the government, Indonesians, and the oil companies. One of those incentives is providing larger amounts of acreage for exploration.
Governments look at various forms of natural resources. Some of those include: natural gas, coal bed methane, and geothermal sources, as well as oil. In Indonesia they are looking at exploration in deep water and frontier areas such as Semai, Halmahera, Wes Aru, Southwest Timor and South Java.
According to Vice President Boediono, the Indonesian government is committed to promoting natural gas as the main energy source to fuel Indonesia’s robust economic growth following the country’s failure to boost oil production. He has gone on record saying that gas “is” their future. The government obviously has a strong interest in keeping them on track and will continue to closely monitor their progress.
Boediono has also said the government would continue to facilitate gradual moves toward economic pricing for domestic gas use, and direct negotiations between gas producers and consumers to tackle pricing problems. The critical step will be in how to accelerate the development of gas infrastructure.
Indonesia’s plan is to speed up the completion of gas pipelines in Java and the construction of floating storage and re-gasification units in Sumatra and Java. One unit in the Jakarta area is expected to be ready as early as 2012. This is primarily due to the declining oil production in the country. The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry is working hard to solve problems of unplanned shutdowns and to encourage oil companies to conduct enhanced oil recovery measures to increase production.
The government’s primary vision is to prioritize natural gas as the main energy source in the future. But many believe boosting gas production might be very challenging, particularly when sources were found in remote areas like the eastern part of the country. This vision can only be achieved with the installation of much needed domestic infrastructure like transmission pipelines, liquefaction plants and receiving terminals.
Those who are looking for Oil Rig Jobs, do not need to be concerned about the future. Drilling jobs are here to stay for a long time. And there is a great career for those who are interested.