A bustling city and nature together in one place best describes Panama City, one of the world's best cities to live in. This place is the national capital city of Panama, which is a retirement haven to more than 1,000 American and European expats. In this city, one can find the famous Panama Canal, which is very significant to the country's booming economy. Panama City holds a lot of major trade and business activity in Central America; hence, it plays a vital role to the whole economy of the region.

According to Wikipedia, the International Living magazine has cited Panama as one of the best top five places for retirement. Panama City for one has plenty of things to offer for both its tourists and locals. A must see is definitely the city's famous canal as well as its tropical rainforest, urban districts and historic villages like the Casco Viejo. One can either choose to engage in modern splendor at the city's business district or go on a hiking trip at the rainforest. It's one of the best cities to live in and simply unwind at a Casco Viejo café after a long day or enjoy the tranquility of nature on some days.

What's great about Panama City is that you do not need to spend a lot of money to enjoy the good things in life. Many people call it a retirement since since one's retirement funds can be stretched fully; thus, allowing the retiree to enjoy an ultra comfortable lifestyle. This place has most definitely become one of the best cities to live in due to its low costs of living amidst modern hospitals, schools, and places as well as various scenic getaways.

In Panama, one can eat at a restaurant for less than $ 10 and still enjoy good food. One can also travel to and have fun at the country's beaches, mountains and waterfalls. The weather is comfortably warm all year-round so there are always plenty of things to do for both the young and old.

Apart from its famous canal, other tourist attractions in the city include their national cathedral called the Plaza de la Catedral, the Teatro Nacional or national theater and their museum called the Museo del Canal Interoceanico. The city is home to ancient ruins, traditional Spanish houses and landmarks thought about by the country's rich history and culture.

A lot of people are surprised to find that a third world country like Panama offers advanced and modern healthcare systems. A lot of Americans go to Panama City for health care as the standards are comparable to that in the US at more affordable prices. A Panamanian doctor charges far less amount of money for certain procedures and operations as compared to receiving the same treatment in America. Health insurance and prescription medications are likewise priced reasonably in Panama.

Due to the growing number of people who want to live in Panama, there are now retirement tours being offered so that people can see for themselves what life is like in Panama City and the country as a whole. These tours offer participants firsthand information on one of the best cities to live in. Highlights of the tour may include a visit to the homes of American expats so participants can be able to ask questions directly to the people who have already made the move to Panama.

Panama City is definitely an excellent travel destination and one of the best cities to live in. People have called it a retirement because because they see something special in this city and its people. It's a place where you can essentially live for less in exchange for a truly comfortable and enjoyable lifestyle.