Using penis enlargement exercises to make your penis bigger is a very effective and safe method. On the contrary, there are other popular methods that can prove to be dangerous:

  • Pills: their effectiveness has never been proven. Penis enlargement pills are not regulated by the FDA, so they may contain ingredients that can be harmful.
  • Pumps: this method is somewhat effective, but only for giving you a harder erection. It can’t help you add any inches and its results are temporary. Also, you run the risk of injury.
  • Hanging weights: using this technique can lead to circulation problems.
  • Silicone injections: injecting liquid silicone into your member is definitely a bad idea. It can result in permanent impotence or even death.
  • Creams: not only are they completely useless, but they could cause you infections.
  • Surgery: although surgery is one of the very few methods that actually work, it does have its drawbacks. It’s very expensive and it’s certainly not natural, because all the added size comes from an implant. Also, keep in mind that there is always the possibility of complications: every time you are having a surgery you are taking a risk.

As you can see, most methods don’t work. But, even if they did some of them would be too dangerous to use. It’s better to have a small penis, than having one that doesn’t even function properly.

The Best Solution: Penis Enlargement Exercises

These exercises, also called jelqs, can help you increase your size by 2-3 inches without endangering your health. You just need your 2 hands and 10 minutes of you time every day. In only a couple of weeks you can see massive gains, without wasting your money in male enhancement techniques that simply don’t work.