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There are a few concerns regarding penis enlargement for Christian men. Is it okay to try? What methods would be allowable?
Penis enlargement for Christian men may be okay given the man chooses the correct method. Something that is going to enhance your intimacy can be positive if it is done safely. This eliminates a few male enhancement methods right away.
Penis pumps – This is too risky a method for the Christian male to try. It can cause damage and thus will negatively affect your intimacy. You are also bringing in a device which lessens the natural nature of safe enlargement.
Pills – These also pose somewhat of a risk since many people simply don’t know what ingredients are actually contained in male enhancement pills. But moreover, the pill method is generally considered a method that simply does not work. Many times the pills will contain harmless herbs, yet at the same time will provide no benefit in increasing size.
Exercises – Perhaps the best method for penis enlargement for Christian men are exercises. This is an all natural method, utilizing no machines or contraptions. You only use your hands to perform the exercises. This is considered the safest form of male enhancement, and it can actually work very well if you stick with the routine.
Enlarging in this manner, through exercises, shouldn’t pose a problem within Christianity. You can look at it as working out another part of your body. Many Christian men workout parts of their body for increased confidence, satisfaction, and for intimacy and attraction reasons. Exercising for enlargement can be seen as just another form of improving in all these areas as well.