Many men have problems with their penis going flaccid before sex or during sex. It’s a very common occurrence; much more common than one would think. Here are 5 reasons to help diagnose your issue:

  • 1. You’re too nervous: Many men, especially inexperienced or with a new partner, become overwhelmed with anxiety when they’re beginning to get intimate with their partner and experience what is called performance anxiety. Your brain is flooding your body with adrenaline which results in blood flow being redirected from your penis to more important muscles; thus results in the loss of your erection.
  • 2. You’re uncomfortable: Slightly related to being nervous, except this is usually more common amongst first timers. You’re not used to the whole situation and everything is just incredibly awkward. This phase usually clears up after a few sexual attempts, thankfully.
  • 3. You’re not into your partner: Not every guy is like how it is in the movies or on T.V. Many of us can’t just pick up on any woman and immediately start having the most intimate sex ever. A lot of us need to build up a comfortable relationship with our partner before feeling confident enough to have sex with them. If you aren’t that into your partner then your mind might be telling your penis that something doesn’t feel right.
  • 4. You lack any sensation: Whether you’re wearing a condom or not, your penis may just not be used to the feeling of an actual vagina. You’re so accustomed to the motion and tightness of your hand that anything else feels completely foreign to your penis.
  • 5. You’re insecure with yourself: Most of us are insecure about something and there’s a good possibility that it’ll be exposed in the bedroom, be it you have a small penis or lack a model’s body. Insecurity is an issue of comfort with your partner and something you’re going to have to get used to in order to get over it. Communication is key in these kinds of situations.

Erectile dysfunction isn’t fun for anyone, but once you understand the problem you’ll have an easier time dealing with it and eventually fixing it for good. Being too nervous, feeling uncomfortable, not being into your partner, lacking sensation, or feeling insecure are just a few very common reasons to why you may be losing your erection.