There is a heated debate currently going on over our recent article, which jumped sites like a “California brush fire”.

“Will Adobe manage to replace industry work horse Quark XPress by giving Adobe InDesign for free?”

Originally, on or about the 15th of October, the article was posted to the Quark home web page as the top header for their popular In the News Section.

By the 19th of October the article was flamed by the Adobe supporters and empoyees who are currently running a website by the name of

At fist these individuals were hiding behind the pseudonyms like “soupfighter” and now they have finally exposed their true motives.

So why are all these people in the Quark Forum so upset?

Why is a website dedicated to propagating the war between Quark and InDesign aggressively pursuing and tracking artificially fabricated conflict?

And why, are some individuals (who’s names I will not deign mention because of the inappropriate language they are using) and Pariah S. Burke, with help from good ol’ “soupfighter”, using their precious time desperately refuting everything we said in the article?

Why have they blatantly said they are going to cut my links?

Is it the Pot calling the Kettle Black?

I guess they don’t like the competition.

These guys must be paid by Adobe to troll through the Quark website (where our article was placed on the home page as the top header In the News Section) trying to refute anything that might possibly make Adobe look bad.

Now who’s working for whom?

Come on guys, confess. ValorCrossMedia has the right to promote themselves and have done another great job of self-promotion. If you hire us, next time we can do the same for you.

God Bless and remember The Golden Rule Do onto others as you would have done onto you…