One of the newest trends among hackers, and perhaps one of the most awful, is called “ratting.” Derived from the initials of Remote (r) Access (a) Tools (t), ratting is the act of hacking into a computer, placing software on it to control the webcam, and the recording all the actions that can be seen. This form of voyeurism is being practiced at an alarming rate, and the outcome can be very damaging for the person who is recorded.

Videos of compromising situations are appearing on video websites without the person who was recorded knowing. Other videos are being altered and made more compromising, providing great blackmail material. Some videos are being traded among the ratting crowd for their own viewing pleasure.

The Damage Can Ruin Lives

This is a form of personal injury, even if nothing physical has occurred. The mere act of exposing someone to the entire world, regardless of what it could do their lie, career, or reputation is a form of injury, and one that cannot easily be corrected. Sadly, most things that are posted on the Internet are there to stay.

What is even more disturbing is the fact that these ratters are also using their peeping tactics to scare people, causing emotional injury. Once they have access to your computer, they can do things such as open and close the dvd drive, make the computer start talking, open and close programs even when in use, or delete files. The harassment is a form of entertainment, albeit a twisted one.

The only thing that a person can do to recover from this type of activity is file a police report and hire a personal injury attorney to sue for damages. A personal injury attorney can sue against the home owner’s policy of the hacker or their company policy if the deeds are being done while they are at work.

A Layer Of Protection

There are a few things that you can do to help protect yourself from this type of intrusion such as:

• Monitor your webcam and deactivate it at any time that you see the light on when you are not using it. Once deactivated, run a security scan on your computer.

• Always run antivirus software on your computer and do not forget to do weekly scans.

• Cover your webcam with a piece of masking tape when you are not using it. It is simple to remove and very effective in blocking remote viewing.

• Avoid downloading free software, videos, pictures or anything else from the Internet that may have viruses attached.

The Internet has given the world many wonderful things. It has created a way for people to stay connect with each other and to meet new friends. It has made the world a much smaller place and many people have much bigger lives. Regretfully, it has also created a way for criminals and voyeurs to find a way to more easily intrude into the privacy of others.

Proper protective methods must always be in place when you use the Internet. You never know when a hacker may attack. If they do, make a report to the authorities and contact a personal injury attorney right away. According to a well-known personal injury attorney,”Our firm accepts these types of cases on a contingency fee basis. In other words you never have to pay us any money to represent you and we are only paid if we are able to obtain a recovery for you.”

Awareness is key, do your research on the increasing dangers of internet crimes and educate your family. Use only trusted websites, programs, and software and have a thorough understanding of all the devices you use with your P.C. Despite the many positive societal developments technology brought over the years, it has opened up opportunities for those with bad intentions as well.