TAGS: #trouble

If you are in a relationship in trouble and are feeling that things are a bit confusing, you could be feeling that the relationship has run its course. You feel unsure of yourself, and not sure which way to turn. Feelings of resentment and regret may be filling your life. Your relationship, which at one time had been the center of your life, now does not look so good to you. This is typical of a relationship that is in trouble. It does not necessarily mean that the relationship must end – instead, it means that you need to sit back and take a very good look at what is going on in your life.
These are signs of a troubled relationship. If you are in a troubled relationship, the stress and pressure you feel can only damage it further. You may be feeling guilty, and are lying and hiding your true feelings. Where once there was a great deal of love in a relationship, there are now mixed feelings that only makes matters worse. The more confused you become, the more unsure of how you are truly feeling will only make matters worse. This is not uncommon in a troubled relationship.
When you find yourself in a relationship in trouble, it is time to sit down and take a very good look at the relationship. You must decide what you want to do about the relationship, and you must be very honest with yourself. Ask yourself what it is you really want from the relationship. Do you want romance or excitement? Do you need intellectual and spiritual stimulation? Are these things lacking in the relationship?
When you have a list of your wants and needs, you must go through it and identify that which is giving you the most trouble. At this time, it is also a good idea to compare the good with the bad. If you find more checkmarks in the bad column, perhaps it may be time to move on. If, however, what you consider bad are trivial things, you must also have the capability to recognize that.
If you determine that things are really bad, it is time to step back and look at this list with an open mind. It could be something as simple as separation for a specific period of time that will fix your relationship. By not living together, you will better be able to see what the relationship means to you, and whether you wish to continue. If you tryly approach it with an open mind, you might also see that it is just not worth it to you to continue.
Just because the relationship is troubled doesn't mean that it will end soon. But it does mean that you and your partner need to take the steps to either work things out, or move on.
Without the proper help, trying to determine if a relationship is worth saving or not can be very confusing. If you need help in understanding a relationship in trouble [http://www.squidoo.com/howtogetmyexbackguidelines], visit our website today.