TAGS: #apple

We all know that apple cider vinegar has many remedies. If you’ve spent any time online, I’m sure you’ve come across the main uses from curing ailments to removing stains. What you may not know is that you can revive your weave with apple cider vinegar.
The key element in using apple cider vinegar (ACV) is it restores the pH balance that often gets out of whack in your hair when using chemicals and heating appliances. When this happens, you can bet your hair will go from fabulous to frightful in no time at all. Dull and frizzy, flat and matted – just plain messy and a horrible sight.
So how does ACV work on weaves you ask? Well, when you purchase high quality virgin hair the cuticles are intact and fully sealed. No chemicals have been used so the hair is nearly perfect. However, as soon as you start using shampoo, coloring, hot curlers, combs, and other chemicals and tools, the cuticles will begin to strip down until you have unmanageable hair that’s just sitting on top of your hair.
I’m sure you’ve been there – standing in the mirror with your weave looking a hot mess. It feels like you have a couple of inches of new growth, but it’s a weave. No girl, it shouldn’t be that way, so let me tell you how to fix it.
You see, ACV helps reseal the cuticles of your hair because the pH balance is lower than the pH balance in the weave. Using ACV and rinsing sort of brings the pH balance back to its normal level, thus rejuvenating your hair.
So how much apple cider vinegar do you need? Well, it is recommended you use three parts water to one part apple cider vinegar. Put hair in a large bowl and leave the hair in for.75 min. to one hour. If your hair is on your head, put it on and put a cap on top for the same amount of time.
When the time is up, rinse the ACV out and use a deep conditioner. Conditioning the hair plays a big role in the final outcome so please do not try to cut corners. A little time will save you the cost of buying new bundles, at least for this time.
When you’re done, you will find your hair is sleek, slick, and beautiful just like when you first got it.