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How to match a romantic gift for her during a planned trip to Italy. Planning a romantic getaway or honeymoon in Italy gives you plenty of options on how to show your love for your beloved. One of the easiest ways to wow your lover during a trip to the scenic country of Italy is to buy them a gift to help them remember the trip of a lifetime. Gifts can be hard to pick, especially on vacation, so here are some of the most romantic gift ideas that every couple will enjoy.
A bottle of Italian wine
Even during the Roman age, wine has been known as a symbol of love of life, and romance. Picking up some vino at a local vineyard around Florence would be one of the easiest ways to show your beloved how much they mean to you. Famous around the world for amazing wines, Italy will give you a great selection to choose from! The best part about getting a bottle of Italian wine is that you can bring home the memory and enjoy it decades later.
Italian desserts at a café
Spending a night together in a café in Romeor Milanwill let you experience the romantic scenery of Italy, and also experience the sweet and sugary delights that have earned Italyfame as one of the best places to grab dessert in the world. Italian artisanal chocolates are also a great way to experience Italian cookery at its finest.
Beautiful jewelry and fashion
Shopping around Milan is one of the best ways to wow a fashion-conscious lover. Milan is world-renowned as one of the most fashionable cities in the world. A beautiful necklace, a pair of shoes, or watches all can be found in Italian boutiques in the fashion district. Whether you are looking for a trendy piece that will make a fashion statement or a timeless piece that you can wear every day, Milan has what you are looking for.
An engagement ring
If you aren’t on a honeymoon, but want to show your lover that you are ready to tie the knot, proposing to your significant other is a surefire way to make your trip together in Italy one of the most beautiful memories of your life. Many shops and stores around Italy have engagement rings for sale, and for those who already have the ring with them, there are thousands of great ways to propose while on a romantic getaway to Italy.
Perfume or cologne
Italy is also well-known for its fragrance industry. By having a fragrance that will let them relive their nights in Italy, you are giving them a romantic souvenir that will give your Italian romance a trademark smell. Not many people will turn down a great smelling perfume, especially if it’s a local favorite in Italy.
A trip to Italy can only last so long, but the memories can last a lifetime. Buying your loved one a romantic gift that will help them remember everything from that trip will be the best way to stay in their heart for years to come.