Regular quartz gemstones are quite common, but rutilated quartz is a clear quartz shot through with fine, golden or golden-red needle-like rutile crystals. It’s also referred to as Maiden Hair stone, Venus Hair Stone, and Cupid’s Arrow…and it’s been linked to the stories of Atlantis, as a source of great energy for the lost city.

The popular twentieth century prophet Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) told his followers about his visions of the great crystals that powered Atlantis, and he referred to the healing capacities of crystals. Cayce taught that crystals possessed an energy within themselves that could be transmitted to people and be of great assistance in meditation, healing, and the achievement of higher levels of consciousness. For Cayce, Atlantis was more than myth, it was the history of the first human civilization capable of advanced technology, capable of harnessing the power of quartz technology and the electromagnetic field.

According to legend, the people of Atlantis used gemstones quite extensively, and abused them to such a degree that they eventually led to the catastrophe which caused Atlantis to disappear into the ocean. The crystal was tuned too high, activating volcanoes, melting mountains, ultimately causing the submergence of Atlantis, and perhaps even the axis shift of the Earth itself. Cayce claimed a new island would rise up near the island of Bimini in 1968 and that it would be the top of Atlantis and only a small portion of it. Cayce died in 1945, but in September of 1968 the Bimini Road was found in the Bermuda Triangle. Could this be part of the lost city of Atlantis? And are the unusual occurrences there caused by the energy of the quartz crystals that formerly powered the city? Are we left with an island that sunk thousands of years ago, with hidden “power sources” that still zap unwary travelers today? Anything’s possible…even Disney jumped on the mystery with a movie.